
Disabilities in Heaven: Podcast Episode 103

Disabilities in Heaven: Podcast Episode 103

Will all aspects of disability be erased in heaven? Sandra Peoples looks at applicable biblical passages and shares her thoughts in this episode!

A Conversation with Marie Kuck from Nathaniel’s Hope: Podcast Episode 096

A Conversation with Marie Kuck from Nathaniel’s Hope: Podcast Episode 096

Beth sits down with the always delightful Marie Kuck, who has a special invitation for our listeners for a behind-the-scenes tour of Make ‘m Smile in Orlando. 

A Better Question: Podcast Episode 004

A Better Question: Podcast Episode 004

In this episode, Lamar Hardwick examines how our theology influences disability ministry and how the experience of disability influences our understanding of God, faith, and life. We will talk about how understanding disability doesn’t begin with having all the right answers, but how understanding disability requires that we ask the right questions. 

Resolving to Experience God’s Blessings in the New Year : Podcast Episode 081

Resolving to Experience God’s Blessings in the New Year : Podcast Episode 081

In this week’s episode, Garett helps us close the book on 2023 and open the door on 2024 by reflecting on the year that was, by looking at God’s Word for guidance on where we’re going in the year ahead and sharing some practical action points as we seek to faithfully follow the Holy Spirit in the new year.

Confidence in Knowing God Will Finish What He Starts: Podcast Episode 077

Confidence in Knowing God Will Finish What He Starts: Podcast Episode 077

In this week’s episode, Garett shares a follow up story on a message from a previous episode while also discussing how the apostle Paul’s words of encouragement to the church at Philippi should also be a message of encouragement to anyone on the journey to take the hope of Jesus Christ and the love of his church to the special needs community.

The Reason My Family Is Not Always With Me in Worship

The Reason My Family Is Not Always With Me in Worship

Guest blogger, Shannon Blosser shares his experience as both a pastor and a special needs dad.

While our son loves being in the church and especially enjoys looking at our stained-glass ceiling formation, he cannot always handle the crowds and noise that come with being in worship. We try to meet his needs while living into the realities of being a pastoral family.

4 Thoughts on Nonverbal Communication in the Children’s Ministry Setting: Podcast Episode 037

4 Thoughts on Nonverbal Communication in the Children’s Ministry Setting: Podcast Episode 037

In this week's episode, Beth Golik shares four thoughts about nonverbal communication in the children's ministry setting and how she has been personally impacted by her students whose primary mode of communication doesn't include the spoken word.

5 Tips for Hosting a Sensory-Friendly Worship Service: Podcast Episode 034

5 Tips for Hosting a Sensory-Friendly Worship Service: Podcast Episode 034

In today’s episode, Beth Golik shares 5 tips for hosting a sensory-friendly worship service at your church!

Advertise Every Miracle: A Lesson from Hanukkah

Advertise Every Miracle: A Lesson from Hanukkah

Somewhere along my walk of faith, God opened my eyes to the wealth of substance my faith was missing by not studying the roots of our faith as Christians, which lay in Judaism. The season of Hanukkah is coming to a close, but it holds a unique hope for us.