12:00 PM12:00


Is every member of your church serving and contributing to the Body of Christ? We are all designed to worship Him and that includes having the opportunity to use our gifts in a manner that honors God. In this month's roundtable, ministry leaders will discuss how to recruit and celebrate neurodiverse individuals to lead and serve, to the benefit of our church families and the Kingdom.

Register here

If you have questions or comments to submit ahead of time, or if there is anything we can do to make this roundtable more accessible for you, please reach out to beth@keyministry.org prior to March 19.

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Disability & The Church 2025
to May 1

Disability & The Church 2025

  • McLean Bible Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for the Disability & the Church Conference, hosted by Key Ministry, a transformative event designed to empower ministry leaders to build gospel-centered communities that embrace individuals and families impacted by disability. This year’s conference will feature inspiring speakers, interactive workshops, and valuable networking opportunities to equip and encourage you as you return to your churches and ministries.

Learn more and register at disabilityandthechurch.com

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DISABILITY MINISTRY VIRTUAL ROUNDTABLE: Church Event Planning with Disability in Mind
12:00 PM12:00

DISABILITY MINISTRY VIRTUAL ROUNDTABLE: Church Event Planning with Disability in Mind

What if every church event was planned with disability in mind? In this month's roundtable, ministry leaders will discuss best practices for event-planning to meet the needs of those with hidden and physical disabilities. Learn how to guide your leadership and planning teams to consider common mental health and physical challenges as they create congregational and community events.

Register here

If you have questions or comments to submit ahead of time, or if there is anything we can do to make this roundtable more accessible for you, please reach out to beth@keyministry.org prior to February 19.

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DISABILITY MINISTRY VIDEO ROUNDTABLE: How to Create a Sensory Room (Without a Room)
12:00 PM12:00

DISABILITY MINISTRY VIDEO ROUNDTABLE: How to Create a Sensory Room (Without a Room)

Is your church all-in on the idea of creating a sensory room...you just don't have an actual room in which to house it? In this month's roundtable, ministry leaders will discuss ways to create sensory-friendly environments with and without having a dedicated space. We want to hear your suggestions as well as your frustrations for designing and stocking sensory spaces at your church.

Register here

If you have questions or comments to submit ahead of time, or if there is anything we can do to make this roundtable more accessible for you, please reach out to beth@keyministry.org prior to January 15.

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12:00 PM12:00


In this month’s roundtable, we’ll discuss ideas to engage all the senses during worship. You are guaranteed to leave with a takeaway that you’ll want to share with worship planners at your church. Whether you have creative ideas to share, or this is your first time pondering multisensory worship, we invite you to participate.

Register here

If you have questions or comments to submit ahead of time, or if there is anything we can do to make this roundtable more accessible for you, please reach out to beth@keyministry.org prior to December 18.

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DISABILITY MINISTRY VIDEO ROUNDTABLE: How Can Churches Help Families Navigate Holiday Anxiety
12:00 PM12:00

DISABILITY MINISTRY VIDEO ROUNDTABLE: How Can Churches Help Families Navigate Holiday Anxiety

The holidays can be a stressful time for all families, particularly so for families impacted by disability. In this month's roundtable we'll discuss how the church come alongside families to provide physical, emotional and spiritual support during the season of Advent and beyond.

Register here

If you have questions or comments to submit ahead of time, or if there is anything we can do to make this roundtable more accessible for you, please reach out to beth@keyministry.org prior to November 20.

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12:00 PM12:00


In this month’s roundtable, we’ll discuss Baptism for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Please join the conversation to learn more or share your own experience. Get and share resources for engaging individuals of all ages with the message of the gospel and decisions for salvation.

Register here

If you have questions or comments to submit ahead of time, or if there is anything we can do to make this roundtable more accessible for you, please reach out to beth@keyministry.org prior to October 16.

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Mental Health and the Church 2024
to Sep 27

Mental Health and the Church 2024

  • Bay Presbyterian Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Key Ministry is issuing a call to ministry leaders, pastors, church staff, volunteers, family members and interested Christians to gather in Cleveland September 26 - 27, 2024 for Mental Health and the Church, Key Ministry’s first national mental health ministry conference. Our goals for the conference are to explore how ministry organizations serving the mental health community can work collaboratively to maximize our impact throughout the church, while training pastors and church leaders to integrate ideas for evangelism and outreach with affected individuals and families who aren’t currently attending church. We will also explore ways churches can expand available care and support for established members and attendees. Sign up for MHATC2024 news here.

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MENTAL HEALTH MINISTRY VIDEO ROUNDTABLE: Mental Health Ministry vs Disability Ministry: How They are Alike, How They are Different
12:00 PM12:00

MENTAL HEALTH MINISTRY VIDEO ROUNDTABLE: Mental Health Ministry vs Disability Ministry: How They are Alike, How They are Different

In September, our Disability Ministry Video Roundtable will feature our quarterly emphasis on mental health. We’ll discuss how mental health ministry and disability ministry are alike, as well as important differences between the two. Join us for a conversation designed to equip ministry leaders to better support mental health needs in your church and community.

Register here

If you have questions or comments to submit ahead of time, or if there is anything we can do to make this roundtable more accessible for you, please reach out to catherine@keyministry.org prior to September 18.

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DISABILITY MINISTRY VIDEO ROUNDTABLE: Oil & Water: How Do We Respond When the Values of Disability Culture Don't Mix with Kingdom Values?
12:00 PM12:00

DISABILITY MINISTRY VIDEO ROUNDTABLE: Oil & Water: How Do We Respond When the Values of Disability Culture Don't Mix with Kingdom Values?

Tim Keller defines an idol as "anything more important to you than God, anything that absorbs your heart and imagination more than God, anything you seek to give you what only God can give...." What if barriers to making the gospel accessible to all actually come from deeper issues--such as the idols of our hearts, idols of church culture and idols of disability culture? Steph Hubach, Research Fellow in Disability Ministries at Covenant Theological Seminary, will lead us in this discussion, building on the workshop she presented during Disability & The Church 2024.

Register here

If you have questions or comments to submit ahead of time, or if there is anything we can do to make this roundtable more accessible for you, please reach out to beth@keyministry.org prior to August 21.

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DISABILITY MINISTRY VIDEO ROUNDTABLE: Planning Vacation Bible School with Disability in Mind
12:00 PM12:00

DISABILITY MINISTRY VIDEO ROUNDTABLE: Planning Vacation Bible School with Disability in Mind

Is your church having VBS this summer…or maybe it’s on your list for down the road? Let’s talk about opportunities and options for including kids with disabilities. What questions do you have? What advice do you have to share? Whether you are gearing up for VBS, hosted earlier this summer, or are wanting to know what VBS could look like for your church, please join the conversation!

Register here

If you have questions or comments to submit ahead of time, or if there is anything we can do to make this roundtable more accessible for you, please reach out to beth@keyministry.org prior to July 17.

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MENTAL HEALTH MINISTRY VIDEO ROUNDTABLE: The Vital Role of Peer Leaders in Mental Health Ministry
12:00 PM12:00

MENTAL HEALTH MINISTRY VIDEO ROUNDTABLE: The Vital Role of Peer Leaders in Mental Health Ministry

Equipping people personally impacted by mental health challenges for a ministry role in your church is a powerful way to let individuals use their ministry gifts, and demonstrate that every person can serve in the body of Christ. Join us on June 19 to discuss this aspect of mental health ministry that can be done in any church.

Register here

If you have questions or comments to submit ahead of time, or if there is anything we can do to make this roundtable more accessible for you, please reach out to catherine@keyministry.org prior to June 19.

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12:00 PM12:00


A frequent question we get from ministry leaders is, “What should we do for curriculum?” In this month’s roundtable, we encourage you to share ideas, ask questions, recommend resources, and brainstorm solutions for your classroom.

Our monthly Disability Ministry Video Roundtables provide an opportunity for disability inclusion ministry leaders from across the country to connect with each other and share ideas. Register here to have the Zoom link emailed to you.

If you have questions or comments to submit ahead of time, or if there is anything we can do to make this roundtable more accessible for you, please reach out to beth@keyministry.org prior to May 15.

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Disability & The Church 2024
to May 3

Disability & The Church 2024

Key Ministry and title sponsor Tim Tebow Foundation present DATC2024: a three-day (May 1-3) in-person national disability ministry conference in Orlando, Florida with pre-conference Ministry Intensives offered May 1 and an opportunity to attend Make ‘m Smile on Saturday, May 4.

Click here for schedule, ticket pricing, speaking team, and registration form.

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DISABILITY MINISTRY VIDEO ROUNDTABLE: Brainstorming Challenging Behavior
12:00 PM12:00

DISABILITY MINISTRY VIDEO ROUNDTABLE: Brainstorming Challenging Behavior

Have you experienced challenging behaviors in the children’s ministry or disability ministry setting? Do you have ideas to share or scenarios you’d like to brainstorm? Here’s your opportunity to connect with ministry leaders to troubleshoot situations you may have encountered.

Unlike our other Disability Ministry Video Roundtables, this will not be recorded. Please plan to join us live on April 17.

Our monthly Disability Ministry Video Roundtables provide an opportunity for disability inclusion ministry leaders from across the country to connect with each other and share ideas. Register here to have the Zoom link emailed to you.

If you have questions or comments to submit ahead of time, or if there is anything we can do to make this roundtable more accessible for you, please reach out to beth@keyministry.org prior to April 17.

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MENTAL HEALTH MINISTRY VIDEO ROUNDTABLE: Mental Health Ministry Your Church Can Do Today
12:00 PM12:00

MENTAL HEALTH MINISTRY VIDEO ROUNDTABLE: Mental Health Ministry Your Church Can Do Today

This month we’re starting a quarterly series of mental health focused disability ministry video roundtable discussions. Key Ministry’s Catherine Boyle will share some tips and strategies to meet mental health needs in your church and community. Register here to join the conversation to learn from the group, and share your successes with other ministry leaders.

If you have questions or comments to submit ahead of time, or if there is anything we can do to make this roundtable more accessible for you, please reach out to catherine@keyministry.org prior to March 20.

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DISABILITY MINISTRY VIDEO ROUNDTABLE: Is There a Place for Awareness Days in Ministry?
12:00 PM12:00

DISABILITY MINISTRY VIDEO ROUNDTABLE: Is There a Place for Awareness Days in Ministry?

There is a national awareness day and/or month for almost everything, including various disabilities and mental health conditions. In this month’s Disability Ministry Video Roundtable, we’ll discuss if and how our ministries should recognize awareness days. We’d like to hear your thoughts, so please plan to join us on February 21.

Our monthly Disability Ministry Video Roundtables provide an opportunity for disability inclusion ministry leaders from across the country to connect with each other and share ideas. Register here to have the Zoom link emailed to you.

If you have questions or comments to submit ahead of time, or if there is anything we can do to make this roundtable more accessible for you, please reach out to beth@keyministry.org prior to February 21.

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Eating Disorder Day of Prayer - Interview with Beth Ask in the Mental Health Ministry Leaders Group
11:30 AM11:30

Eating Disorder Day of Prayer - Interview with Beth Ask in the Mental Health Ministry Leaders Group

Join Catherine Boyle for a conversation with Beth Ask, founder of Eating Disorder Day of Prayer in Key Ministry's Mental Health Ministry Leaders Facebook Group. Beth will share some prayer strategies and resources to equip families and ministry leaders supporting individuals with eating disorders. Click here to join the Facebook group; click here to get notifications about group events.

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12:00 PM12:00


What does it look like for a church to engage in ministry outside the four walls? In this month’s Disability Ministry Video Roundtable, we’ll explore ideas to expand relationship-building and discipleship through “serve days” and other projects/events outside the comfortable walls of the church building. Bring examples to share and/or come prepared to learn new ideas.

Our monthly Disability Ministry Video Roundtables provide an opportunity for disability inclusion ministry leaders from across the country to connect with each other and share ideas. Register here to have the Zoom link emailed to you.

If you have questions or comments to submit ahead of time, or if there is anything we can do to make this roundtable more accessible for you, please reach out to beth@keyministry.org prior to January 17.

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