
How the Church Struggles to Listen

How the Church Struggles to Listen

“I shared my family’s hurt and pain of feeling excluded and unaccepted by the very church that I, as its pastor, am called to love and serve. I shared offensive words shared with me regarding my autistic son’s needs. I shared how these actions created a wall between our family and the church. We felt unwelcome.” Shannon Blosser shares about church hurt, and where the church can grow.

Beyond the Clinical Hour: An Interview with Dr. Jim and Heather Sells: Podcast Episode 097

Beyond the Clinical Hour: An Interview with Dr. Jim and Heather Sells: Podcast Episode 097

Recently, Catherine had a conversation with Dr. Jim and Heather Sells, authors of the new book “Beyond the Clinical Hour: How Counselors Can Partner with the Church to Address the Mental Health Crisis.” Jim, Heather and their co-author Dr. Amy Trout offer a valuable resource to both mental health professionals and ministry leaders as a way to meet the heartfelt mental health needs impacting both churches and our culture. Take a listen to this thought-provoking conversation.

A Conversation with Marie Kuck from Nathaniel’s Hope: Podcast Episode 096

A Conversation with Marie Kuck from Nathaniel’s Hope: Podcast Episode 096

Beth sits down with the always delightful Marie Kuck, who has a special invitation for our listeners for a behind-the-scenes tour of Make ‘m Smile in Orlando. 

Inclusive and Engaging Teaching Models: Podcast Epsiode 095 with Sandra Peoples Tracy McElhatten

Inclusive and Engaging Teaching Models: Podcast Epsiode 095 with Sandra Peoples Tracy McElhatten

In today's episode, Sandra chats with Tracy McElhattan, PhD about how to apply universal design for learning principles to our children's ministry classes so everyone is included and engaged!

Family Care Plans: Podcast Episode 091

Family Care Plans: Podcast Episode 091

In episode 091 of Key Ministry the Podcast, Sandra shares an idea for organizing care for disability families in your church and how the parable of the Good Samaritan provides guiding principles for how and why we provide that care.

Supporting Students with Invisible Disabilities Podcast Episode: 086

Supporting Students with Invisible Disabilities Podcast Episode: 086

In this week’s episode of Key Ministry The Podcast, Sandra Peoples discusses hidden disabilities, and how we, as The Church, can better support these students with invisible disabilities.

Confidence in Knowing God Will Finish What He Starts: Podcast Episode 077

Confidence in Knowing God Will Finish What He Starts: Podcast Episode 077

In this week’s episode, Garett shares a follow up story on a message from a previous episode while also discussing how the apostle Paul’s words of encouragement to the church at Philippi should also be a message of encouragement to anyone on the journey to take the hope of Jesus Christ and the love of his church to the special needs community.

How did we do that? We didn’t. The Holy Spirit did it!: Podcast Episode 060

How did we do that? We didn’t. The Holy Spirit did it!: Podcast Episode 060

Each summer, our Shine Disabilities Ministry team hosts Camp Freedom, which an action-packed weekend where campers with intellectual, developmental, and physical disabilities experience summer camp in a way they most enjoy. The blessings and the memories and the logistics from the event always leave me asking “How did we do that?” But as we see through the ministry of Peter and John in Acts 3-4, we didn’t do any of it. The Holy Spirit did it!

Advertise Every Miracle: A Lesson from Hanukkah

Advertise Every Miracle: A Lesson from Hanukkah

Somewhere along my walk of faith, God opened my eyes to the wealth of substance my faith was missing by not studying the roots of our faith as Christians, which lay in Judaism. The season of Hanukkah is coming to a close, but it holds a unique hope for us.