Elaina sits down with Kari Baker, author of Finding KiND: Discovering Hope and Purpose While Loving Kids with Invisible Neurological Differences, and talks about special needs parenting, autism spectrum, and supporting other families on the same journey.
Help for Planning 2025: Podcast EP 135
It’s February, and we’ve all somewhat settled into 2025 and are ready to look ahead to what the year will bring. To help you prepare for your church’s steps of accessibility and inclusive events, we’ve created a Ministry Planning Calendar! In this episode, Sandra Peoples will walk you through ideas for planning ahead and praying for what God will do in 2025.
Supporting Families Affected by Disability with Rachael VerMeulen from A Little Extra Love: Podcast EP 134
Elaina Marchenko sits down with Rachael VerMeulen from A Little Extra Love Ministries to talk about the reality for families affected by special needs, the need for disability support in Colorado, and what Rachael will be sharing at Disability & the Church Conference.
Night to Shine, What You Need to Know: Podcast EP 133
Looking Back, Looking Ahead with Andrea Roseman from Access Ministry: Podcast EP 132
Your Ministry Wins from 2024 & Ministry Opportunities in 2025: Podcast EP 131
Reasons to Celebrate! Podcast EP 130
Including Special-Needs Families in Your Church's Christmas Activities: EP 129
Sandra Peoples grew up with a sister with Down syndrome and now has a teenager with level 3 autism, so she knows how different the holidays can feel for a family like hers. But they don't have to feel different at church! With a few steps of consideration, she shares how families can feel included and valued. Let's make sure special-needs families can hear the message of hope this Christmas!