
Ministry Visibility on Your Church Website: Podcast Episode 100

Ministry Visibility on Your Church Website: Podcast Episode 100

In our 100th episode, Sandra Peoples shares three ways to increase ministry visibility on your church website. Most disability families are going to visit your church website before they visit your actual church. Does your website communicate everything they need to know for a smooth visit?

Reflections on Clark Griswold and The Perfect Christmas

Reflections on Clark Griswold and The Perfect Christmas

How much stress do we put on ourselves to have our house perfectly decorated, so we can “enjoy it?” How much tension do we carry trying to navigate the family dinners and getting worried about our own “Cousin Eddie” showing up and making a scene? How often do we fill up our schedules with parties, events, and celebrations because we feel we have to do it? How often do we get to Christmas Day and have nothing left to give when it comes time to truly celebrate the incarnation of Christ and the Lord’s presence in our lives?

4 Steps for Success for Ministry Volunteers: Podcast Episode 066

4 Steps for Success for Ministry Volunteers: Podcast Episode 066

As ministry leaders, we are responsible for a team of volunteers. There are four steps we can take to help them feel successful in their role. In this episode, Sandra will share those four steps so we can support our volunteers and help them feel equipped and empowered in their ministry callings.

How did we do that? We didn’t. The Holy Spirit did it!: Podcast Episode 060

How did we do that? We didn’t. The Holy Spirit did it!: Podcast Episode 060

Each summer, our Shine Disabilities Ministry team hosts Camp Freedom, which an action-packed weekend where campers with intellectual, developmental, and physical disabilities experience summer camp in a way they most enjoy. The blessings and the memories and the logistics from the event always leave me asking “How did we do that?” But as we see through the ministry of Peter and John in Acts 3-4, we didn’t do any of it. The Holy Spirit did it!

Different, Not Harder

Different, Not Harder

"Different, not harder." That was the powerful takeaway from a dear friend who has spoken with Joanna about special needs ministry for years. This leads her to the question: are we fighting for pity or equality?

What if true equality starts with finding common ground?

4 Thoughts on Nonverbal Communication in the Children’s Ministry Setting: Podcast Episode 037

4 Thoughts on Nonverbal Communication in the Children’s Ministry Setting: Podcast Episode 037

In this week's episode, Beth Golik shares four thoughts about nonverbal communication in the children's ministry setting and how she has been personally impacted by her students whose primary mode of communication doesn't include the spoken word.

5 Reasons to Attend DATC2023: Podcast Episode 035

5 Reasons to Attend DATC2023: Podcast Episode 035

In this week’s episode, Catherine Boyle gives five reasons why the Disability and The Church Conference is a unique opportunity for ministry leaders and anyone affected by disability.

Advertise Every Miracle: A Lesson from Hanukkah

Advertise Every Miracle: A Lesson from Hanukkah

Somewhere along my walk of faith, God opened my eyes to the wealth of substance my faith was missing by not studying the roots of our faith as Christians, which lay in Judaism. The season of Hanukkah is coming to a close, but it holds a unique hope for us.