Key Ministry the Podcast

5 Phases of Disability Parenting & How Churches Can Support Families in Each Phase: Podcast EP 114

5 Phases of Disability Parenting & How Churches Can Support Families in Each Phase: Podcast EP 114

Parents go through five phases as they raise their children with disabilities. It’s helpful for ministry leaders to understand these phases so we know better how to support families in these different seasons. In this episode, Sandra Peoples shares characteristics of the phases, the needs parents have in each one, and how the church can support them along the way. 

Online Connection for Disability Ministry Leaders: Podcast Episode 104

Online Connection for Disability Ministry Leaders: Podcast Episode 104

As a disability ministry leader, do you ever feel alone? Beth Golik shares about Online Connection for Disability Ministry Leaders in Episode 104 of Key Ministry the Podcast.

Book Club Chat Pt. 2 with Steve Grcevich & Lamar Hardwick: Podcast Episode 102

Book Club Chat Pt. 2 with Steve Grcevich & Lamar Hardwick: Podcast Episode 102

Dr. Steve Grcevich sits down and interviews Dr. Lamar Hardwick on his new book How Ableism Fuels Racism. This is Part 2 of a 3-part series!

Ministry Visibility on Your Church Website: Podcast Episode 100

Ministry Visibility on Your Church Website: Podcast Episode 100

In our 100th episode, Sandra Peoples shares three ways to increase ministry visibility on your church website. Most disability families are going to visit your church website before they visit your actual church. Does your website communicate everything they need to know for a smooth visit?

Disability & the Church 2024 Recap: Podcast Episode 099

Disability & the Church 2024 Recap: Podcast Episode 099

Beth Golik and Sandra Peoples give a Disability & the Church 2024 Conference Recap that happened this past week in Orlando, FL.

Book Club Chat with Dr. Steve Grcevich & Lamar Hardwick: Podcast Episode 098

Book Club Chat with Dr. Steve Grcevich & Lamar Hardwick: Podcast Episode 098

Dr. Steve Grcevich sits down and interviews Dr. Lamar Hardwick on his new book How Ableism Fuels Racism. This is Part 1 of a 3-part series! Dr. Lamar Hardwick will be speaking at Disability & the Church 2024 Conference in Orlando, FL May 1-3. Go to to register now!

A Better Question: Podcast Episode 004

A Better Question: Podcast Episode 004

In this episode, Lamar Hardwick examines how our theology influences disability ministry and how the experience of disability influences our understanding of God, faith, and life. We will talk about how understanding disability doesn’t begin with having all the right answers, but how understanding disability requires that we ask the right questions. 

The Power of Perspective and Flexibility in Ministry: Podcast Episode 090

The Power of Perspective and Flexibility in Ministry: Podcast Episode 090

In this week’s episode, Garett reflects on how life experiences shape our ministry perspectives while looking at the importance of being flexible in ministry with the goal of reaching more people with the hope of Jesus. He encourages us consider and embrace a ministry approach similar to that of the four friends who found a way to take their paralyzed friend to Jesus rather than allowing our preferences to dictate how we operate our churches.