Our Mission


Key Ministry promotes meaningful connection between churches and families of kids with disabilities for the purpose of making disciples of Jesus Christ.

Since 2002, we've provided knowledge, innovation, and experience to the worldwide church as it ministers to and with families of kids with disabilities. While expanding our service to churches, we find ourselves called to a new phase of ministry in which we seek to help families impacted by disability to become connected with local churches where parents and children can worship and grow in faith alongside other Christ-followers. 

Our ministry was founded to help churches minister to families of children with hidden disabilities. We find ourselves uniquely called and positioned to serve churches seeking to become more intentional and effective in ministry with children, teens and adults impacted by mental illness, trauma, and developmental disabilities and their families.

The values we strive to reflect in our ministry are …

Christ-centeredness. We seek to be driven by the mind and spirit of Jesus Christ as revealed through the Word of God and guided by the Holy Spirit.

We champion the local church. Christ established the local church as his representation and reflection in the world. It is through the church that God takes people with different personalities and gifts, unifies them as a single body, and equips them to care for each other and reach the world.

Family-based ministry. We believe parents bear the primary responsibility for guiding the spiritual development of their children. The role of the local church is to come alongside the family for the journey, providing resources, encouragement, and support.

Ministry that is relational, redemptive, restorative, and inclusive. Everyone has gifts and talents intended for the benefit of the Body of Christ as represented by the local church. The entire church misses out if any Christ-follower is excluded.

Generosity. God’s grace is given freely. Money shouldn’t be an impediment to ministry.

Innovation. To reach families no one else is reaching, churches will need to try new strategies and approaches no one else is trying.

Collaboration. Scripture clearly teaches that no individual or church has all been given all of the gifts required to be sufficient. Christ’s intent in the design of the church is for us to depend upon one another.

Affirming everyone’s ministry gifts. Ministry is not the exclusive privilege of paid professionals. The task of fulfilling the Great Commission is the responsibility of all believers.

Our mission, vision, and values shape the guiding principles for the day-to-day operation of our ministry …

  • We provide as many products and services as possible free of charge.

  • Ministry is done best by a team. No person or organization gets all the gifts!

  • We expand the circle of the disability ministry movement by including persons inside and outside the church.

  • We seek opportunities to collaborate with like-minded ministries.

  • We create platforms to advance the cause of disability ministry and share them with other leaders.

  • We actively seek to maximize the impact of our ministry through application of technology.

Please click here to see our Statement of Faith and click here to read more about our history.

Click here for information on current ministry needs and how you can get involved.