Video Training Series on Mental Health Inclusion


This series of fourteen videos from Dr. Steve Grcevich is designed to accompany and support the content of the book, Mental Health and the Church and serve as a resource to pastors and ministry leaders seeking to develop a mental health inclusion strategy within their churches.

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Mental Health Inclusion Ministry

This is the first segment in a multipart series of videos featuring Dr. Steve Grcevich from Key Ministry outlining a process for churches to follow in pursuing a mental health inclusion strategy. In this segment, Dr. Grcevich discusses why churches need to prioritize outreach to families in their local communities impacted by mental illness.


A Different Kind of Disability

Dr. Grcevich explains how mental health disabilities are different from physical and intellectual disabilities and introduces the need for a different ministry model for successful outreach and inclusion at church.


Why Church Is Hard For Families Affected By Mental Illness

Dr. Grcevich introduces seven common barriers to church attendance and engagement for children and adults with mental illness and their families.


Inclusion teams and ministry environments

Dr. Grcevich describes the first two of the seven strategies that compose our inclusion model... recruiting the right people to your inclusion team, and creating welcoming ministry environments for individuals and families affected by mental illness.


Inclusion in Key Discipleship Activities and Developing a Mental Health Communication Strategy

Dr. Grcevich examines the third and fourth inclusion strategies presented in our model...focusing upon inclusion in the activities your church has identified as most critical for spiritual growth, and developing a church-wide mental health communication strategy.


Practical Helps, Mental Health Education and Support, Giving Your People Responsibility for Ministry

Dr. Grcevich examines the last three inclusion strategies presented in our model...offering practical help to families impacted by mental illness, providing mental health education and support, and giving responsibility for mental health ministry to the people of your church.


Overcoming the Stigma of Mental Illness at Church

Dr. Grcevich discusses how the mental health inclusion strategies presented in the three previous installments of the series might be applied for eliminating the stigma associated with mental illness in the church, and changing perceptions outside of the church that persons with mental illness are unlikely to be welcomed.


Overcoming Anxiety as a Barrier to Church Attendance

Dr. Steve Grcevich discusses how our inclusion strategies might be applied for welcoming children and adults with common manifestations of anxiety. The role of a mental health liaison at church is also introduced in this video.


Welcoming Children and Adults to Church Who Struggle with Self-Discipline

Dr. Grcevich discusses specific interventions and strategies for churches to consider when seeking to welcome children or adults who struggle with self-control in the presence of executive functioning weakness frequently associated with common mental health conditions, including ADHD, anxiety and depression.


Welcoming Persons to Church who Struggle with Sensory Processing Differences

Dr. Steve Grcevich discusses common challenges to church participation for persons with sensory processing differences, and shares ideas with church leaders for helping them more fully participate in church services and other worship activities.


Welcoming Persons to Church who Struggle with Social Communication

Dr. Grcevich helps pastors and ministry leaders recognize the challenges to church participation common among persons with common mental health conditions who struggle with social communication, and proposes several strategies for helping to include them in small groups and other church activities.


Welcoming Persons to Church who Struggle with Social Isolation

Dr. Grcevich outlines a series of steps churches might take to overcome the barriers to church attendance and involvement resulting from the social isolation associated with common mental health conditions.


Helping Families Affected by Mental Illness Have More Positive Experiences of Church

Dr. Grcevich discusses the importance of conceptualizing mental health ministry as family ministry and addresses the need to disrupt multigenerational struggles with church participation common among families impacted by mental illness.


Developing a Mental Health Inclusion Strategy - Taking the Next Step Together

In this concluding segment of Key Ministry's video series on mental health inclusion at church, Dr. Grcevich discusses the tools and resources available through our ministry and other like-minded ministry organizations for churches wanting to become more intentional about welcoming and including individual and families affected by mental illness into worship services and other church activities.

Catherine Boyle, Director of Mental Health Ministry for Key Ministry, outlines the role of the Mental Health Liaison and what that person will do in the first year. The visuals to accompany her presentations are available here: Part 1 & Part 2.


For more information on Mental Health and the Church along with links for ordering the book, click here.
