Elaina Marchenko sits down with Rachael VerMeulen from A Little Extra Love Ministries to talk about the reality for families affected by special needs, the need for disability support in Colorado, and what Rachael will be sharing at Disability & the Church Conference.
Biblical Truths for Neurodivergent Kids: Affirmations for Every Journey
New Operations Director! An Interview with Larah Roberts: Podcast Episode 115
Back to School Disability Supplies
Disability Ministry Resources (Amazon Prime Day!)
Key Ministry strives to offer FREE resources and charge as little as possible for all other services, we aim to offer resources that are truly accessible for everyone; money included. By using our Amazon Affiliate links for items you may already be wanting to purchase, you donate to our cause without spending ANY extra money.
How the Church Struggles to Listen
“I shared my family’s hurt and pain of feeling excluded and unaccepted by the very church that I, as its pastor, am called to love and serve. I shared offensive words shared with me regarding my autistic son’s needs. I shared how these actions created a wall between our family and the church. We felt unwelcome.” Shannon Blosser shares about church hurt, and where the church can grow.
Reflections on Clark Griswold and The Perfect Christmas
How much stress do we put on ourselves to have our house perfectly decorated, so we can “enjoy it?” How much tension do we carry trying to navigate the family dinners and getting worried about our own “Cousin Eddie” showing up and making a scene? How often do we fill up our schedules with parties, events, and celebrations because we feel we have to do it? How often do we get to Christmas Day and have nothing left to give when it comes time to truly celebrate the incarnation of Christ and the Lord’s presence in our lives?
Organic Friendships
After all my years of teaching middle school special education, specifically a significant disabilities/autism class, you’d think I would have learned by now that some of my best-laid plans were the last things my students needed…especially when it came to making friends. I personally believe that many of the social skills activities I’ve done with my students and my own children have been a great benefit. Our kids need the training and support we provide through role-playing, social stories, and other activities, but at what point do we take our hands off and give control of those friendships to our kids? Letting go of that control can be scary.
The Reason I Gave Church Another Chance
As members of the disability community or the parents/caregivers who love them, we know the Church is not overtly welcoming. The right body of believers is out there, but they may not know it…yet. They may not even be able to understand…yet. But they will be willing to learn. Consider this your formal invitation to be sure of what you cannot see.
The Reason My Family Is Not Always With Me in Worship
Guest blogger, Shannon Blosser shares his experience as both a pastor and a special needs dad.
While our son loves being in the church and especially enjoys looking at our stained-glass ceiling formation, he cannot always handle the crowds and noise that come with being in worship. We try to meet his needs while living into the realities of being a pastoral family.