
Supporting Families Affected by Disability with Rachael VerMeulen from A Little Extra Love: Podcast EP 134

Supporting Families Affected by Disability with Rachael VerMeulen from A Little Extra Love: Podcast EP 134

Elaina Marchenko sits down with Rachael VerMeulen from A Little Extra Love Ministries to talk about the reality for families affected by special needs, the need for disability support in Colorado, and what Rachael will be sharing at Disability & the Church Conference.

Four Reasons Why Working Together Wins!

Four Reasons Why Working Together Wins!

We are always stronger, better, more focused and more successful when we’re working together than when we are working apart. That includes when families, our children’s and youth work—indeed our whole church ministry and mission—has a shared passion and vision. Here are four reasons why.

How God Multiplies Ministry from within the Special Needs Community

How God Multiplies Ministry from within the Special Needs Community

God uses the Church in important ways to come alongside people He eventually calls to leadership. God often places people in positions of receiving essential encouragement, prayer, support and equipping. In the process, He’s revealing their potential, as well as opportunities to move them into areas of ministry with other families impacted by disability.

Millennials as Mental Health Ministry Volunteers

Millennials as Mental Health Ministry Volunteers

If you want volunteers, Millennials are a great place to look. But the church needs to speak the language of Millennials as we collaborate to serve. But the good news is that the church probably has a whole group of untapped volunteer potential, we just have to cultivate it.