Sandra Peoples

Disabilities in Heaven: Podcast Episode 103

Disabilities in Heaven: Podcast Episode 103

Will all aspects of disability be erased in heaven? Sandra Peoples looks at applicable biblical passages and shares her thoughts in this episode!

Ministry Visibility on Your Church Website: Podcast Episode 100

Ministry Visibility on Your Church Website: Podcast Episode 100

In our 100th episode, Sandra Peoples shares three ways to increase ministry visibility on your church website. Most disability families are going to visit your church website before they visit your actual church. Does your website communicate everything they need to know for a smooth visit?

Disability & the Church 2024 Recap: Podcast Episode 099

Disability & the Church 2024 Recap: Podcast Episode 099

Beth Golik and Sandra Peoples give a Disability & the Church 2024 Conference Recap that happened this past week in Orlando, FL.

Inclusive and Engaging Teaching Models: Podcast Epsiode 095 with Sandra Peoples Tracy McElhatten

Inclusive and Engaging Teaching Models: Podcast Epsiode 095 with Sandra Peoples Tracy McElhatten

In today's episode, Sandra chats with Tracy McElhattan, PhD about how to apply universal design for learning principles to our children's ministry classes so everyone is included and engaged!

Family Care Plans: Podcast Episode 091

Family Care Plans: Podcast Episode 091

In episode 091 of Key Ministry the Podcast, Sandra shares an idea for organizing care for disability families in your church and how the parable of the Good Samaritan provides guiding principles for how and why we provide that care.

Reverse Inclusion: Our Teen and Young Adult Class: Podcast Episode 078

Reverse Inclusion: Our Teen and Young Adult Class: Podcast Episode 078

Reverse inclusion is a class designed for teens and young adults with disabilities that invites typical teenagers and young adults in for the purpose of friendship. It’s for teens like my son James who wouldn’t enjoy being part of our youth group. That environment isn’t safe for him and the curriculum doesn’t fit his needs. So instead we’ve created a class that is a good fit for him and our other teenagers! Listen to this podcast to hear about our strategies to make reverse inclusion work for you and your church!

Why the Home Group Model Is Challenging for Families Caring for Someone with a Disability: Podcast Episode 074

Why the Home Group Model Is Challenging for Families Caring for Someone with a Disability: Podcast Episode 074

In this week’s podcast, Sandra Peoples’ shares four suggestions for how to make sure caregiving families are included in a church home group or community group model!

Ten Books for Disability Ministry Leaders: Podcast Episode 70

Ten Books for Disability Ministry Leaders: Podcast Episode 70

Fall is a great time to read a good book! In this episode, Sandra shares 10 books for disability ministry leaders in the areas of family care, theology of disability, and ways to strengthen your inclusion practices! 

4 Steps for Success for Ministry Volunteers: Podcast Episode 066

4 Steps for Success for Ministry Volunteers: Podcast Episode 066

As ministry leaders, we are responsible for a team of volunteers. There are four steps we can take to help them feel successful in their role. In this episode, Sandra will share those four steps so we can support our volunteers and help them feel equipped and empowered in their ministry callings.

Solutions When You Don’t Have enough Buddies: Podcast Episode 057

Solutions When You Don’t Have enough Buddies: Podcast Episode 057

You’ve recruited (and maybe even begged) and still can’t get enough buddies to meet the needs of kids and teens at your church. What can you do next? Sandra Peoples has four ideas that work for churches of any size!