In this episode of Key Ministry the Podcast, Catherine Boyle is joined by Dr. Chris Hulshof from Liberty University. We’ll be talking about a topic you may not be familiar with - but if you’ve been in ministry world for very long, you have probably seen, and that’s Religious Scrupulosity. Dr. Hulshof provides valuable insights for supporting individuals with this mental health challenge.
3 Must-Haves for Your Sensory Room: Podcast Ep 112
Summer Disability Ministry Recap: Podcast EP 111
Disability Ministry Resources (Amazon Prime Day!)
Key Ministry strives to offer FREE resources and charge as little as possible for all other services, we aim to offer resources that are truly accessible for everyone; money included. By using our Amazon Affiliate links for items you may already be wanting to purchase, you donate to our cause without spending ANY extra money.
Summer Schedule, Summer Vibe: Podcast Ep. 108
Accessible Bible Story Instruction with Cortney Jenkins and Laura Deeken: Podcast EP 107
One of the biggest challenges in inclusive ministry is meeting the needs of diverse learners. Today on the podcast, Sandra interviews Cortney Jenkins from Awe & Wonder and Laura Deeken from The Adapted Word about easy ways to make our lessons more accessible and about the resources they provide to help support every student in your ministry.
Seeking Collaborators for #MHATC2024: Conference Sponsors, Exhibitors and Advertisers: Podcast Episode 105
One of Key MInistry’s core values is collaboration. The momentum in disability ministry has come about in large part because of the collaboration across traditional lines of ministry. To help accelerate momentum in mental health ministry, we’re seeking collaborators for Mental Health and the Church 2024, as conference sponsors, exhibitors and advertisers.
Online Connection for Disability Ministry Leaders: Podcast Episode 104
Ministry Visibility on Your Church Website: Podcast Episode 100
How the Church Struggles to Listen
“I shared my family’s hurt and pain of feeling excluded and unaccepted by the very church that I, as its pastor, am called to love and serve. I shared offensive words shared with me regarding my autistic son’s needs. I shared how these actions created a wall between our family and the church. We felt unwelcome.” Shannon Blosser shares about church hurt, and where the church can grow.