When an impossible catch suddenly changes the direction and momentum of a game, the crowd ignites with joy and excitement. In a similar way, when ministry results start showing up, the impact is as great as that amazing catch in a game. Here are four indicators that mental health ministry is poised for a significant momentum shift.
Putting Off and Putting On: Dealing with Ministry Envy
As a disability ministry leader, do you ever feel like you are caught up in a “Bigger or Better Party?” Do you find yourself comparing the ministry God has given to you with the ministry work of others? Have you ever found yourself longing for your ministry work to be bigger or better? Or, perhaps, both bigger and better? Steph Hubach writes on ministry envy, and how we should put on love.
My 3 Favorite Things About Night To Shine Podcast Episode: 087
You’re Invited: Join the Mental Health Ministry Leaders Group
One of Key Ministry’s most successful resources has been the SNAD Leaders Facebook group. SNAD stands for Special Needs and Disability ministry leaders. We would love for our group for Mental Health Ministry Leaders to accelerate mental health ministry as effectively as SNAD has been able to accelerate disability ministry. Here’s a quick article on what this group is about, and why you should join.
Supporting Students with Invisible Disabilities Podcast Episode: 086
Welcome to Disability Ministry… What Would You Say You Do Here? Podcast Episode 085
Neurodiversity, Relationships and Mental and Spiritual Health: An Interview with Dr. Stephanie C. Holmes Part 2: Podcast Episode 084
Today’s podcast and blog is part 2 of a 2-part conversation with Dr. Stephanie C. Holmes. You might want to listen to part 1 or read that transcript before going on to this second part. The entire conversation is packed with information about autism that’s important to ministry leaders, parents, couples and individuals.
Neurodiversity, Relationships and Mental and Spiritual Health: An Interview with Dr. Stephanie C. Holmes Part 1: Podcast Episode 083
Today’s podcast and blog is part 1 of a 2-part conversation with Dr. Stephanie C. Holmes. Stephanie works extensively with neurodiverse Christian couples and families, to help these families better understand, communicate and connect with each other. Stephanie has personally experienced many of the same mental health and spiritual health challenges as the families and ministries we serve. This is part one of a must-hear/must-read podcast interview.
Perseverance Needed in Disability Ministry
Shannon Blosser talks about New Years Resolutions and the challenges of starting up a Disability Ministry. Like many resolutions it can be hard to stick with it after the New Years glitter wears off, and Disability Ministry is not much different. Disability Ministry takes perseverance, and being willing to do things differently in order to have a more Christ-centered church.