Children's Pastors Conference

Key Ministry in 2024 - A year of unprecedented impact

Key Ministry in 2024 - A year of unprecedented impact

As 2024 comes to a close, we look back at some of the most impactful events and relationships we were part of this past year, highlight new resources we helped create over the past twelve months and look ahead to opportunities for advancing the Gospel in 2025 through supporting local churches in their ministry with the disability and mental health communities.

Four Indicators of Momentum Shift for Mental Health Ministry: Podcast Episode 088

Four Indicators of Momentum Shift for Mental Health Ministry: Podcast Episode 088

When an impossible catch suddenly changes the direction and momentum of a game, the crowd ignites with joy and excitement. In a similar way, when ministry results start showing up, the impact is as great as that amazing catch in a game. Here are four indicators that mental health ministry is poised for a significant momentum shift.