Disability Awareness

The Hope in Asking When

The Hope in Asking When

“My daughter has changed so much in this area during her 18 years of life. It’s progress, and it’s a small thing that I appreciate as her mother now. During those years when it didn’t go well, they were hard. Haircuts haven’t been the only area of growth. I recall being completely anxious every time I left the house with my daughter alone as she would run off and not respond to my pleas to stop. The running off and the anxiousness eventually stopped, but life was hard until then.” Evana Sandusky

Staying On Course When the Path Disappears (Practical Advice for Parenting Adults with IDD)

Staying On Course When the Path Disappears (Practical Advice for Parenting Adults with IDD)

“Parenting adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) can be a lot like driving with a “that’s-so-2000’s” Garmin. The best information we have ultimately feels utterly inadequate.” Steph Hubach

Darkness to Light

Darkness to Light

Joel Sheagren writes on the intersection of his 30-year career in film-making and his parenting journey, as he parents a son with FASD.