Living Life Daily

Caring for a Family Member in the Hospital

Caring for a Family Member in the Hospital

The basics of caring for a family member in the hospital, whether a child or adult, are the same. Maybe what recently worked for my Mom can help you, too, when your loved one is hospitalized.

Worry? How Do We Not Worry?

Worry? How Do We Not Worry?

While recently listening to an afternoon radio program about “worry,” the woman being interviewed was asked, “I know God says not to worry, but how do we NOT worry?” When we worry, we don’t trust that God can make a way for us. For many of us, we’ve had years to learn this, and are still learning. What’s the key?

Overwhelmed By Hope?

Overwhelmed By Hope?

I've been a special needs mom for 21 years now, so I need you to hear what I’m about to say with the trust that those years have earned me. For us believers, “overwhelmed by hope” should be much more common than “overwhelmed by fear.”

Four Lessons Caregiving Is Teaching Me about Writing Fiction

Four Lessons Caregiving Is Teaching Me about Writing Fiction

What caregiving is teaching me about writing fiction could fill a book. If someone had tried to tell me when I was a kid that caregiving and writing have a lot in common, I wouldn't have believed it. Writing may or may not be part of God's plan for your future but I know He has something in store for your future, and He's using your life as a caregiver to prepare you for it.

Quirks, Perks and Jerks

Quirks, Perks and Jerks

We all have quirks, and even in life with disabilities there are perks. But none of us have to be jerks! Here are some wise words from Cindi Ferrini on how to be Christ-like and honor Him, no matter our circumstances.