
Caring for a Family Member in the Hospital

Caring for a Family Member in the Hospital

The basics of caring for a family member in the hospital, whether a child or adult, are the same. Maybe what recently worked for my Mom can help you, too, when your loved one is hospitalized.

High or Low Functioning - Does It Really Matter?

High or Low Functioning - Does It Really Matter?

We need to think about people with disabilities more than how we can define them in a two-word phrase. Rather than people with disabilities being known as high functioning, moderate functioning, or low functioning, let's define one another by individual strengths or challenges.

Sex and Relationships: Young People with Special Needs

Sex and Relationships: Young People with Special Needs

For young people with additional needs, sex and relationships can be a subject that youth workers and parents shy away from, but it shouldn’t be so. Every young person deserves the same help and support as they grapple with the myriad of questions, feelings and emotions that this topic evokes.