
Four Lessons Caregiving Is Teaching Me about Writing Fiction

Four Lessons Caregiving Is Teaching Me about Writing Fiction

What caregiving is teaching me about writing fiction could fill a book. If someone had tried to tell me when I was a kid that caregiving and writing have a lot in common, I wouldn't have believed it. Writing may or may not be part of God's plan for your future but I know He has something in store for your future, and He's using your life as a caregiver to prepare you for it.

How The Sound Of Our Autistic Son's Laughter Heals Us

How The Sound Of Our Autistic Son's Laughter Heals Us

For us as parents of a child with additional/special needs, there are certainly many times to weep, times to be sad. But there is so much more to life than the tears and hard times. Let us celebrate the happier times, the times to laugh and dance.

Balance is a Myth

Balance is a Myth

Even though there is no such thing as balance, there is such a thing as balancing, so that we can honor the fact that there is a time for everything. Balancing requires us to work smart, understand and create time for our priorities, and practice peace.