
The Inspiring Giggle

The Inspiring Giggle

Evana Sandusky writes on her daughter’s joy, and how she is inspired to find joy and hope in her own situation.

Top Ten Perks of Raising a Child with Disabilities

Top Ten Perks of Raising a Child with Disabilities

Raising kids with disabilities comes with its own set of challenges and reasons to be grateful. Because this is EA/TEF Awareness Month and our son was born with EA/TEF, my top ten perks of raising a child with disabilities will be slanted in that direction. 

Faith, Fears, and New Year Planners

Faith, Fears, and New Year Planners

Evana Sandusky writes on the fears and faith she has for the New Year, as she reflects on a trip to buy a 2024 Yearly planner.

I Didn’t Want to Learn Hard Caregiving Lessons, but Now I’m Grateful

I Didn’t Want to Learn Hard Caregiving Lessons, but Now I’m Grateful

My entire life, literally since I was two years old, has revolved around caregiving. Therefore I assumed I was prepared for the challenges our family faced after my mother was diagnosed with dementia in 2008. That assumption proved correct until January of 2023 when Mom entered hospice care. Over the six months leading to her departure from this earth, advocating for her was all encompassing. I didn’t want, nor did I have time to learn hard caregiving lessons. With each passing day I became more grateful for how they drew and are still drawing me closer to God. And so, I want to share them with you.

Just Go!

Just Go!

Seeing many of our friends on social media taking trips to Japan, Italy, France, Greece, Egypt, and all around the USA, keeps us ever mindful that our feet are firmly planted in the nation of “caring for special needs”. But what if if several couples take turns getting to know the needs of this family and meeting those needs, so you can make a “WEEKEND TO REMEMBER” happen for them?