Holidays can be a very difficult time for families with kids with special needs. Many of the traditions and family gatherings they used to enjoy, they can’t anymore. It can be an especially hard and lonely time, as the difficulties that come with special needs are magnified. Our first attempt was a sorry start to new holiday traditions. However, we persisted. Eleven years later, we have some new special Thanksgiving and Christmas traditions.
The Christmas Pageant That Never Was
Elmo Is Not Your Friend
Things to be Thankful for as a Special Needs Parent
The special needs parenting journey can be exhausting, full of loneliness, challenges, and struggles. It can be easy to focus on how hard things are. But I find the whole month of November to be the perfect time to reflect on the things that I am thankful for. Once I get started thinking this way, I realize there really are a lot of things to be thankful for.
Weak Made Strong In The Savior's Love
I thought a lot about Jack, whether he had gained anything at all from his time at Spring Harvest, whether he had been impacted by any of the spiritual program in his sessions. Had he just been child-minded, busying himself with his Jenga wooden blocks, or had something more than that reached him? A few weeks later, I got the answer to my questions.