Zechariah, despite being visited by an angel, doubted what he had been told, and so Gabriel told him that because of this doubt, Zechariah would not be able to speak until his son was born. So, he became unable to speak, and therefore unable to communicate through speech. What did he do? And what does his story teach us about people who cannot communicate by speech, or choose not to, today?
Making New Holiday Traditions
Holidays can be a very difficult time for families with kids with special needs. Many of the traditions and family gatherings they used to enjoy, they can’t anymore. It can be an especially hard and lonely time, as the difficulties that come with special needs are magnified. Our first attempt was a sorry start to new holiday traditions. However, we persisted. Eleven years later, we have some new special Thanksgiving and Christmas traditions.
Surviving an Awkward Moment at Church
I felt awkward. I couldn’t join the conversation several other church volunteers were having about their children’s accomplishments. After one night of serving and feeling a mix of emotions, I felt impressed to examine myself in prayer. Why was I allowing this to get me down? This wasn’t a reason to quit serving at church or shrink my circle of acquaintances, as I have done in the past. It was, however, an opportunity to push into God and thank Him for the things my daughter had accomplished.