
Five Depression Hacks For When You are Struggling

Five Depression Hacks For When You are Struggling

I am in a significantly depressed season. Maybe you’re like me. You can give at work, but you cannot give at home. Here are my favorite—and most effective—depression hacks, and I sincerely hope they help you.

Compassion in the Days of COVID19

Compassion in the Days of COVID19

Last month I published a blog regarding strategies for dealing with the COVID-19 quarantine, specifically as a single special needs parent. This month, I would like to focus on one of these strategies in particular, and this is the last of the “Three C’s,” Compassion.

The Two Phases of Lockdown for Special Needs Families

The Two Phases of Lockdown for Special Needs Families

As I see it, there are two distinct phases of coronavirus lockdown: the phase where you are waiting for things to get back to normal, and the phase where you let go of all previous “normal,” and begin to build what will be next. Here are some specific new things that have become helpful and strange provisions in this place.

Elmo Is Not Your Friend

Elmo Is Not Your Friend

One day I saw a young man who looked to be in his late 20's in a grocery store, holding several Elmo stuffed animals. I first thought, "Boy he really likes Elmo!" Then I thought of my Charlie. A lightbulb went off that day.