Guest blogger Tony D’Orazio shares a poignant excerpt from his book, Down Right Joy.
The Importance of Expectations for Your Child with Special Needs
7 Ways to Include Special Needs Families in the Social Scene
Inclusion and mainstreaming have long been a back and forth quandary for classrooms and school, but what about family functions and social life issues? Cindi and Joe Ferrini offers seven ways they try to give their son some social life experiences to “fit in” that may work for your family too, just in time for holiday gatherings.
How Can You Smile?
Even after many years as a special needs momma, having people say the strangest things to me, this question posed to me last week really caught me off guard. “How can you smile? With so many problems!” Her tone and the question made me really defensive. Having had a few days to reflect, I want to respond to her question by sharing my top five answers.
What's the Big Deal About Summer Camp?
I was brought back to the realization that families like mine have all the time. My friend really knows my family and our situation, but he just doesn’t know what family retreat means to us. How could I even begin to explain what really goes on there? I just relegated it to the usual experience of “he doesn’t get it,” but I really wish I could’ve had the “it’s not like that” speech with him.