Our first Mental Health and the Church conference features some speakers who have made significant contributions to mental health ministry in the local church. Today, we are pleased to introduce Kay Warren, one of the leading voices on mental health support in the Church. Register for MHATC2024 today, so you and your pastoral team can learn from the extensive expertise that Kay and her team bring to mental health ministry.
Summer Disability Ministry Recap: Podcast EP 111
Shattering Myths: The Realities of FASD and Mental Health
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is a complex developmental disability that affects a child exposed to alcohol prenatally. In the US, the prevalence is as high as 1 in 20 children who have this condition. With a lack of awareness and understanding, many misconceptions and myths persist, including its impact on mental health. Joel Sheagren shatters these myths and shed light on FASD realities and the layers to the challenges they face.
The Identity of a Special Needs Sibling: Podcast EP 110
The Kairos Time for Your Mental Health Ministry: Podcast Episode 109
Disability Ministry Resources (Amazon Prime Day!)
Key Ministry strives to offer FREE resources and charge as little as possible for all other services, we aim to offer resources that are truly accessible for everyone; money included. By using our Amazon Affiliate links for items you may already be wanting to purchase, you donate to our cause without spending ANY extra money.
Summer Schedule, Summer Vibe: Podcast Ep. 108
Why You and Your Church Need to be at Mental Health and the Church #MHATC2024
Registration is now officially open for Mental Health and the Church (#MHATC2024), Key Ministry’s inaugural mental health ministry conference with a national agenda, scope and representation of leaders and organizations engaged in mental health ministry. Here are four reasons why you and your church leadership should attend.
Accessible Bible Story Instruction with Cortney Jenkins and Laura Deeken: Podcast EP 107
One of the biggest challenges in inclusive ministry is meeting the needs of diverse learners. Today on the podcast, Sandra interviews Cortney Jenkins from Awe & Wonder and Laura Deeken from The Adapted Word about easy ways to make our lessons more accessible and about the resources they provide to help support every student in your ministry.
Book Club Chat 3 with Steve Grcevich & Lamar Hardwick: Podcast EP 106
Dr. Steve Grcevich sits down and interviews Dr. Lamar Hardwick on his new book How Ableism Fuels Racism. This is the final part of a 3-part series.