Three Ways to Equip Churches to Support Individuals Who Have Experienced Human Trafficking: Podcast Episode 059
Blockbuster movies and summertime are as American as baseball, fireworks, and apple pie. However, one recently released movie addressing human trafficking is generating significant cultural conversation. Here are three ways churches be equipped to support individuals who have experienced human trafficking.
Four Aspects of Perseverance to Help Find Your Ministry Purpose: Podcast Episode 055
If your life includes disabilities, you probably already know that perseverance is needed in different ways. If you sense God stirring you towards ministry in some capacity, here are four aspects of perseverance that can help sharpen your understanding of what perseverance looks like in the midst of disabilities.
Strength in Numbers, a Cord of Three, and Belonging in the Church for Adults with Disabilities: Podcast Episode 052
Strength in Numbers is a slogan that not only helped create a winning culture for an NBA team, but it also echoes the message from Scripture in Ecclesiastes 4 where a “cord of three strands is not easily broken.” In this week’s episode, Garett Wall examines how strength in numbers and the cord of three can serve as the foundation for helping your church build a pathway to belonging for adults with disabilities.
DATC2023 by the Numbers: Podcast Episode 50
God’s Plan for My Family and Lifelong Ministry for the Disability Community: Podcast Episode 048
Effective ministry for the disability community is one that is built on the belief that your church can and should be pursuing lifelong family ministry for our friends and families impacted by disability. Through his journey as the father of a child with disabilities, Garett Wall has experienced how God does the equipping for ministry and he loves encouraging churches to be more prepared for lifelong family ministry for families like his. In this week’s episode, Garett shares how God’s plan for him and his family came full circle through one of the families at his church.
Celebrating 20 Years: an Interview with Dr. Steve Grcevich: Podcast Ep 032
Mental Health, Children, Youth, and the Church
Creating Mental Health Ministry in a Local Church - A Year in the Life
If you think mental health ministry is something your church should consider, just start the conversation. If your church is like most, the pastors and staff are already aware of mental health needs in your faith community. Prayerfully consider if Jesus isn’t asking you to step up and reach out to the ones who can’t reach out for themselves.