Sandra Peoples

Creating Individualized Spiritual Plans for Your Ministry Participants: Podcast Episode 053

Creating Individualized Spiritual Plans for Your Ministry Participants: Podcast Episode 053

In this episode, Sandra Peoples will walk you through the process her church uses for creating Individualized Spiritual Plans for their students! It helps keep everyone focused on the main goal for the students when they are with us at church—the gospel!

VBS: A Plan for Inclusion: Podcast Episode 049

VBS: A Plan for Inclusion: Podcast Episode 049

Sandra Peoples shares 8 steps to take so you’ll be ready to welcome and support kids with disabilities at VBS this summer.

Acceptable and Accessible Churches with Chris Hulshof: Podcast Episode 036

Acceptable and Accessible Churches with Chris Hulshof: Podcast Episode 036

In this episode, Sandra Peoples is joined by Chris Hulshof. Together they discuss the importance of churches that are both acceptable and accessible to those with disabilities.

Including Special-Needs Families in Your Church's Christmas Activities: Podcast Episode 029

Including Special-Needs Families in Your Church's Christmas Activities: Podcast Episode 029

Podcast co-host Sandra Peoples grew up with a sister with Down syndrome and now has a teenager with level 3 autism, so she knows how different the holidays can feel for a family like hers. But they don't have to feel different at church! With a few steps of consideration, she shares how families can feel included and valued. Let's make sure special-needs families can hear the message of hope this Christmas!

Supporting Grieving Families through the Holidays: Podcast Ep 026

Supporting Grieving Families through the Holidays: Podcast Ep 026

Many families are grieving the loss of a loved one this holiday season. Our co-host Sandra is facing that in her own family after the loss of her sister this year. So she offers six ways churches can come alongside these grieving families to offer love and support.

Recruiting, Training & Supporting Buddies in Your Church

Recruiting, Training & Supporting Buddies in Your Church

The buddies in our church make the gospel accessible and help our students participate in class with their peers. Like Moses and Aaron, we all need a little help to live out the Christian life and fulfill the calling God has given us! Here’s how to recruit, train, and support buddies in your ministries!

Creating ISPs (Individualized Spiritual Plans!) for Every Student in Your Special-Needs Ministry

Creating ISPs (Individualized Spiritual Plans!) for Every Student in Your Special-Needs Ministry

As teachers and leaders, we get to encourage the spiritual development of the students in our churches. But what should we expect from the children in our special-needs classes? Sandra Peoples shares how to write ISPs for each child in your special-needs ministry—Individualized Spiritual Plans that will help you set goals and measure progress!

How Special-Needs Ministries Should Plan for Re-Entry

How Special-Needs Ministries Should Plan for Re-Entry

As our churches make plans for reopening following the guidelines suggested, the plans we make for the families we serve may be different. Our families may be the last ones to come back. And when they are ready, we need to have a plan in place to answer their first question: will my child be safe?

Tips for Communicating with Special-Needs Parents

Tips for Communicating with Special-Needs Parents

In order to communicate with care and compassion, ministry leaders need to understand the five phases of special-needs parenting. In the video below, I give an overview of the phases, share what families need from their church in each phase, and give communication tips that are effective no matter what phase parents are in.

How Many Children with Disabilities Should I Expect at a Church My Size?

How Many Children with Disabilities Should I Expect at a Church My Size?

How many children with disabilities should your church be serving? It’s a good question, and there are a few factors that go into determining what the number could be.