
When You Recognize Your Child with Disabilities as Someone Special

When You Recognize Your Child with Disabilities as Someone Special

It's sometimes hard to say that our kids with special needs are someone special, when things drive us crazy with their repetitive verbalizations, when we can’t sleep because they are up all night, when we’re exhausted, and the list goes on and on. But always, always, we get to a point that we see our child/children with the uniqueness of God’s fingerprint on them.

She Calls for Me, I Call for Him

She Calls for Me, I Call for Him

My daughter is a gifted communicator even though she rarely speaks in sentences. “Mom” is one word that has a multitude of meanings. There’s one version of my name that I hate hearing, the one that conveys to me that she is upset or scared. As she yells “mom,” I often cry out to God in those moments, too.

Five Reasons Why Love Isn't All You Need

Five Reasons Why Love Isn't All You Need

We all love our children with special needs, caring for them with all the love we have inside of us. While love is the biggest most important thing we have going for us in this unexpected journey, there are indeed other things needed to get us to the finish line! Here are five that have been important to our family.