
Four Lessons Caregiving Is Teaching Me about Writing Fiction

Four Lessons Caregiving Is Teaching Me about Writing Fiction

What caregiving is teaching me about writing fiction could fill a book. If someone had tried to tell me when I was a kid that caregiving and writing have a lot in common, I wouldn't have believed it. Writing may or may not be part of God's plan for your future but I know He has something in store for your future, and He's using your life as a caregiver to prepare you for it.

Six Disability Allies in the Bible

Six Disability Allies in the Bible

Disability ‘allies’ are people who are not necessarily disabled themselves, but who advocate for, journey with, campaign for, or in other ways support disabled people of any age. Here are six real and story-based people from the Bible who could be viewed as disability allies.

A Sword Will Pierce Your Soul

A Sword Will Pierce Your Soul

“Have your children ever pierced your soul?” I nodded emphatically. If parenting pierced the soul of Mary, who raised a child who was fully human and fully divine, then we know that parenting will pierce our souls, too. But God has provided a means to more than make up for those painful swords.

Disability Takes Us Deeper in Relationship with Christ

Disability Takes Us Deeper in Relationship with Christ

Do we really mean it when we ask God to give us a life that matters? Parenting a child with disabilities changes the trajectory of our lives. My daughter’s life has stretched me to see God’s Kingdom purposes differently.