
What Makes Me Cry as a Caregiver?

What Makes Me Cry as a Caregiver?

What makes me cry as a caregiver is a list that keeps getting longer. Think of it as reverse bucket list. But really, what makes me cry as a caregiver can be boiled down to two interconnected truths.

When Life Is Not As It Should Be

When Life Is Not As It Should Be

When life is not as it should be, whether the cause is a global pandemic or a child's diagnosis, we have a choice to make. As our hearts break and our faith is tested, we have to decide to respond from either a short term or long term perspective.

20/20 Hindsight About Our Child with Special Needs

20/20 Hindsight About Our Child with Special Needs

In the early days of parenting our son, we couldn't imagine having 20/20 hindsight about our child with special needs. Nearly 38 years after the birth of our beautiful baby boy, hindsight reveals how his special needs diagnosis transformed us from a young, scared, and unsure couple into braver, confident parents. Here are five of the many means God used to complete the transition.

My First Christmas Away from Home

My First Christmas Away from Home

Our first Christmas away from home was a gift wrapped in our son's special needs. It was not the first Christmas away from home I would have chosen. But it was the gift we were given. It was and is one of the most valuable, precious gifts we have ever received. If your child's special needs are shaping the holiday into something different than what you expected, take heart.

The Transforming Power of Kindness

The Transforming Power of Kindness

The kindness that changed the trajectory of my life began when a mom took the time to share her story. One day, God will open doors for you to show kindness to hurting moms, too.