
What Did Mary Worry About?

What Did Mary Worry About?

Gasp and sacrilege! How dare I entertain the idea of the mother of God worrying about the divine child entrusted to her care. Until I remember that, though this baby boy was fully divine and fully human, his mother was not. Instead of asking What did Mary worry about?, maybe this is what I should ask instead: What did Mary, a human mom like me and you, do with her worries?

My First Christmas Away from Home

My First Christmas Away from Home

Our first Christmas away from home was a gift wrapped in our son's special needs. It was not the first Christmas away from home I would have chosen. But it was the gift we were given. It was and is one of the most valuable, precious gifts we have ever received. If your child's special needs are shaping the holiday into something different than what you expected, take heart.