Mental Health

You CAN Pour from an Empty Cup

You CAN Pour from an Empty Cup

You can pour from an empty cup. Some will differ with me. I will stick to it because I have lived it and perhaps YOU have as well. What do we do with an empty cup? We fill it when we need to drink from it. It’s upon need. Cindi Ferrini shares advice to fill a caregiver’s cup.

4 Ways to Calm Your Mind When You Know Too Much

4 Ways to Calm Your Mind When You Know Too Much

God has used what I have learned about and experienced with special needs and disabilities to great good. He's empowered me to write books to encourage and equip parents, provide special needs ministry training, facilitate support groups, and more. But sometimes that same knowledge and experience results in thought patterns that lead to excessive and obsessive worry that steals my joy.

How to Become a Better Listener

How to Become a Better Listener

Cindi Ferrini shares one mistake that people often make in conversation. She realized how difficult it is to allow others to share their “moment” without interruption.