Training Events

Ministry Goals for 2024: Podcast Episode 082

Ministry Goals for 2024: Podcast Episode 082

Let’s kick off the new year by setting some goals for our churches! In this episode, Sandra Peoples shares 24 goals for you to consider. You can reach more in 2024 with these ideas for strengthening and growing your ministry!

Mental Health, Medicine and Ministry - January 2, 2024

Mental Health, Medicine and Ministry - January 2, 2024

He has a hypothesis put forth in this article that the combination of school cultures increasingly hostile to boys, elimination of rough and tumble play and the allure of video games with opportunities for coalition competition have contributed to a decades-long mental health crisis resulting in young men ill-prepared for work, romantic relationships and marriage.

Reverse Inclusion: Our Teen and Young Adult Class: Podcast Episode 078

Reverse Inclusion: Our Teen and Young Adult Class: Podcast Episode 078

Reverse inclusion is a class designed for teens and young adults with disabilities that invites typical teenagers and young adults in for the purpose of friendship. It’s for teens like my son James who wouldn’t enjoy being part of our youth group. That environment isn’t safe for him and the curriculum doesn’t fit his needs. So instead we’ve created a class that is a good fit for him and our other teenagers! Listen to this podcast to hear about our strategies to make reverse inclusion work for you and your church!

Planning for Safety: Podcast Episode 067

Planning for Safety: Podcast Episode 067

In today’s episode, Beth poses the question: do your volunteers know the plan if there’s an emergency situation in the church building such as a fire or an armed intruder? Does your church have a plan? Now is the time to create a plan that we hope and pray you’ll never need to implement.

Solutions When You Don’t Have enough Buddies: Podcast Episode 057

Solutions When You Don’t Have enough Buddies: Podcast Episode 057

You’ve recruited (and maybe even begged) and still can’t get enough buddies to meet the needs of kids and teens at your church. What can you do next? Sandra Peoples has four ideas that work for churches of any size!

VBS: A Plan for Inclusion: Podcast Episode 049

VBS: A Plan for Inclusion: Podcast Episode 049

Sandra Peoples shares 8 steps to take so you’ll be ready to welcome and support kids with disabilities at VBS this summer.

Why you and your ministry teammates need to attend Disability and the Church (D&TC23)

Why you and your ministry teammates need to attend Disability and the Church (D&TC23)

On behalf of our entire Key Ministry team, it’s my privilege to welcome you to join us for Disability and the Church, the largest live in-person disability ministry conference in North America. This year’s conference is being hosted at Bay Presbyterian Church on April 28th and 29th, 2023, with pre-conference intensives offered on April 27th. Disability and the Church is presented by Key Ministry with the support of the Tim Tebow Foundation.

Together Again - A Call for Speakers - #IFL2022

Together Again - A Call for Speakers - #IFL2022

I’m honored to invite pastors, ministry leaders, volunteers and all individuals interested in ministry with children, adults and families impacted by disability to join us in Cleveland on April 29-30, 2022 for #IFL2022 , our fourth national disability ministry conference, hosted by Key Ministry in collaboration with the Tim Tebow Foundation.

Practical Tips for Effective Prayer Ministry for Caregivers and their Families

Practical Tips for Effective Prayer Ministry for Caregivers and their Families

Prayer ministry can be intimidating when the recipients of our caring are faced with complicated circumstances. But nothing is too complicated for God. Here are some practical tips for effective prayer ministry, for both small groups and your church.

Encouraging Signs Regarding Mental Health and the Church

Encouraging Signs Regarding Mental Health and the Church

We’d love to have you join us this weekend for the Thrive and Cultivate Summit.. The very presence of events such as this one is reason to be hopeful that the church is starting to “get it” when it comes to mental health.