
The stories you’ve shared about mental health and the church

The stories you’ve shared about mental health and the church

The most troubling aspect of the stories shared by Mary Ann and others is that their experiences reflect poorly upon the character of God as reflected through the words and actions of the church. We can and must do a lot better in sharing Christ's love and the message of the Gospel with our friends and neighbors with mental illness and welcoming them into the fellowship of the church.

An adoptive father comes home

An adoptive father comes home

Kevin brought us an appreciation for the challenges adoptive parents face in staying involved with church when their children experience emotional, behavioral or developmental challenges that make church attendance difficult.

Disability inclusion on mission trips

Disability inclusion on mission trips

We went on our first-ever Disability Ministry Mission Trip. God was faithful to Nick. God spoke to Nick. Nick listened and acted in obedience to God. Because of his obedience, God blessed our little adventure.

To My Child's Teacher

To My Child's Teacher

Brenda and I were talking about how difficult it is for a teacher to stretch beyond their “success” style and the challenge that the special needs student offers. She asked me to help her with encouraging her teachers on why its important to keep the big picture in mind when working with special needs students. The ideas turned into a letter from a parent to their child’s teachers.

Dr. Oren Mason - Wondering what a pill will do to me?

Dr. Oren Mason - Wondering what a pill will do to me?

People who don’t have ADHD probably never imagine how much effort goes into the smallest task, the simplest morning routine, nor do they know how frustrating it is to spend that much effort and still do it badly.