The Sunday following my son’s autism diagnosis, we ventured out to church. I could never have predicted the way that attempt would go up in flames. What we experienced was not biblical, and all these years later, I’m now a disability inclusion pastor. What if, as we strive to make churches inclusive for people living with disabilities, that the greatest change from inclusion efforts is that the church finally develops revolutionary love?
Four Reasons Why Working Together Wins!
Three Tips to Help Special Needs Families Transition Back into Church
If you listen to disability ministry leaders, surveys and thought leaders these days, you will hear a resounding concern that families impacted by disability, mental health difficulties and other special needs will not be returning to “church as usual” any time soon. I hope churches and pastors are asking what will happen to these families. Here are three things your church can do to bless individuals and families impacted by disability in your congregation to navigate the transition process and feel restored to our church communities.
How Do We Respond to God’s Call to the Marginalized?
How God Multiplies Ministry from within the Special Needs Community
God uses the Church in important ways to come alongside people He eventually calls to leadership. God often places people in positions of receiving essential encouragement, prayer, support and equipping. In the process, He’s revealing their potential, as well as opportunities to move them into areas of ministry with other families impacted by disability.
How to Create A Sensory Easter Story
As one of the most important times in the Christian calendar, Easter is a key teaching time for parents, as well as children’s and youth workers. But the big story of Easter can be difficult for some children and young people with additional/special needs or disabilities to understand. Here are some sensory ideas that we can use that will help us to tell the Easter story, but will also give us ways to help children and young people with additional needs access other complex themes we might want to engage them with throughout the year.
Why You Should Care About Special Needs
Seven Ways to Help People with Traumatic Brain Injuries Thrive in Your Church
I have the most amazing baby sister. She is goofy, loud, opinionated, and hard-headed. She makes me laugh and she drives me completely insane. My sister has a traumatic brain injury (TBI). She needs accommodations to be successful, especially in the church. These accommodations can help almost anyone with a TBI.
Simple Gestures That Resonate Deeply With Special Needs Caregivers
Caregivers and families impacted by disability are finding themselves most profoundly moved by the simple things these days. I’ve been wondering what ministry would look and feel like if we all just took a giant step back: back to the days of pie socials, potlucks, card clubs and barn raisings. Here are some ideas that any church or ministry leader can do.