
Recruiting, Training & Supporting Buddies in Your Church

Recruiting, Training & Supporting Buddies in Your Church

The buddies in our church make the gospel accessible and help our students participate in class with their peers. Like Moses and Aaron, we all need a little help to live out the Christian life and fulfill the calling God has given us! Here’s how to recruit, train, and support buddies in your ministries!

Five Ways to use AAC for Spiritual Development

Five Ways to use AAC for Spiritual Development

Some individuals with limited speech may use AAC (augmentative and alternative communication) speech-generating devices. For roughly 7 years, my own daughter with special needs used a speech-generating device to communicate when she was nonverbal. Here are five ways I used my daughter’s device to aid her spiritual development and increase her participation in our faith.

Practical Tips for Effective Prayer Ministry for Caregivers and their Families

Practical Tips for Effective Prayer Ministry for Caregivers and their Families

Prayer ministry can be intimidating when the recipients of our caring are faced with complicated circumstances. But nothing is too complicated for God. Here are some practical tips for effective prayer ministry, for both small groups and your church.

How to Create A Sensory Easter Story

How to Create A Sensory Easter Story

As one of the most important times in the Christian calendar, Easter is a key teaching time for parents, as well as children’s and youth workers. But the big story of Easter can be difficult for some children and young people with additional/special needs or disabilities to understand. Here are some sensory ideas that we can use that will help us to tell the Easter story, but will also give us ways to help children and young people with additional needs access other complex themes we might want to engage them with throughout the year.

Five Ways to Highlight Scriptures in Special Needs Ministry

Five Ways to Highlight Scriptures in Special Needs Ministry

Scripture is a fundamental part of Christianity. When our church launched a special needs ministry a few years ago, I wondered how we could incorporate scripture into our lessons while making it understandable for those with Intellectual Disabilities and limited speech. Here are five ways to embed scriptures in your special-needs ministry.

Building Mental Health Awareness In Churches This October

Building Mental Health Awareness In Churches This October

Two times of the year are devoted to building awareness about mental illness. In October, Mental Illness Awareness Week is October 4 – 10; October 10 is World Mental Health Day. The hope is that within these days, weeks, and months when we bring awareness, specifically through the Church, that we can reduce stigma and bring the Church to the forefront of conversations about mental illness.

An event promoting mentally healthy pastors and churches

An event promoting mentally healthy pastors and churches

We're hosting an event combining an online retreat for pastors and church staff with a mental health ministry conference.

Tips for Parents to Talk With Kids About Mental Health

Tips for Parents to Talk With Kids About Mental Health

I believe Christian parents and church leaders have a responsibility to educate youth in many areas of life, not to hide and protect them, but to empower and equip them as they grow. One area where kids need equipping should be mental health. Here are seven tips on how to talk with kids about mental illness.