In this episode, Sandra interviews Stephanie Hubach to discuss how churches can support all the members of a special-needs family. What challenges do they face, and how can the church provide hope and help for these families?
Cheerleaders versus Dinner Guests: Why Belonging Should Be Your Disability Ministry Goal: Podcast Ep 016
How Great the Struggle!
Disability ministry can be a fear-laden minefield. Families, volunteers, and congregations all carry the personal burdens of fear. In Colossians 2:1-2, Paul shares his hope for the congregation to become knit together in love. When the hearts of the people of God are knit together in love, we function as well as a World Series champion baseball team.
Stable and Steadfast: Not Shifting from the Hope of the Gospel
One fateful day when I was a kid, my Dad adjusted my bicycle handlebars, forgetting to fully tighten the bolts. A few minutes later, I had knees and elbows full of gravel. Handlebars on a bike are designed to be inherently stable. What are the aspects of the Christian faith that can break loose if we don’t fasten them firmly?
Finding Hope When Caregiving Stress Leads to Faith and Mental Health Struggles
When I learned my daughter would be born with a more severe genetic disorder than my son’s, the news devastated me. After her birth, I began to experience debilitating symptoms of PTSD. Months later, I made what should have been a lethal suicide attempt. My case was extreme, but is it that uncommon for caregivers to experience clinical mental health conditions?
The Power of Encouragement
Why Ukraine? Part 3 of Linda's Story of How God Uniquely Equipped Her for His Purposes in Ukraine
Emma's Story: Sexual Abuse Trauma and the Process of Recovery, Part 2
This post is part 2 of our interview with “Emma,” a woman who endured years of sexual abuse by someone she knew. Read part 1 here. We share her experience in these posts to increase awareness of opportunities for abuse and provide prevention and recovery resources to parents and ministry leaders alike.
Lament: A Healing Path for the Whole Church
The day we received an official diagnosis explaining our daughter’s struggles, my husband and I cried. Actually, I literally wailed and groaned for at least half an hour. Carly’s diagnosis triggered a heart cry that special needs parents, families and individuals living with disability commonly understand, and can benefit the whole Church.