Church Support

Against All Odds - How God is Using Bipolar Disorder and Asperger’s Syndrome to Spread the Gospel - Part 2

Against All Odds - How God is Using Bipolar Disorder and Asperger’s Syndrome to Spread the Gospel - Part 2

By the numbers, Linda shouldn’t be here. Everything seemed to be stacked against her by worldly standards, and still seems that way. How could bullying, struggles with education, and psychiatric hospitalizations work for His plan? In part 2 of this series from Linda Bunk, see exactly how God is powerfully using all of these struggles to minister to people in Ukraine.

Author Interview: Parenting and Disabilities - Abiding in God's Presence

Author Interview: Parenting and Disabilities - Abiding in God's Presence

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of Steph Hubach’s new book “Parenting & Disabilities: Abiding in God’s Presence,” which was released yesterday. Read more of the story behind the book, and where to get your copy.

The Importance of Confronting Abusive Behavior 

The Importance of Confronting Abusive Behavior 

This post is shared as part of our series on sexual abuse trauma, but also addresses the importance of confronting and correcting abusive behavior of any kind. Repentance and transformation to the mind and actions of Christ must always be the goals.

Reflecting on Disability Ministry Strengths and Opportunities

Reflecting on Disability Ministry Strengths and Opportunities

A few years ago, a church leadership network where I am involved spent time in a reflection specific to the disability culture in their churches. The tool we used proved helpful in taking an honest and vision-refining look at things. My prayer is that it spurs some meaningful reflection among leaders and strengthens churches as places of belonging for individuals and families living with disability.

Equipped by God: A Missionary with Autism and Bipolar Disorder - Part 1

Equipped by God: A Missionary with Autism and Bipolar Disorder - Part 1

Guest blogger Linda Bunk lives with both high functioning autism and bipolar disorder. Linda is a gifted photographer, and now serves with SALT as a missionary to Ukraine. This is the first of three posts showing how God has uniquely equipped Linda for ministry in Ukraine and beyond.

How Children with Disabilities Have Fared During the Pandemic: A Sobering Report from the UK

How Children with Disabilities Have Fared During the Pandemic: A Sobering Report from the UK

Mark Arnold belongs to the Disabled Children’s Partnership, a UK-based organization that recently released the results of a series of surveys of UK families with children and young people with disabilities. The results are stark: the impact of the 18-months of the COVID-19 pandemic has been harrowing.

The Church, Adoption, Foster Care, and Orphans

The Church, Adoption, Foster Care, and Orphans

Last month I was in Columbus, Ohio for a state-wide training for Ohio's Child Protective Services (CPS). This conference got me thinking about how the Church is responding to foster care, and other impacts with foster care and orphans. There are many people out there doing a lot of good work in foster care and adoption. Here are some resources that have moved beyond local mission.

Four Questions For When the Fixer Can't Fix

Four Questions For When the Fixer Can't Fix

My children have autism. The children at our church are great with our kids: patient, kind, accepting and open to them. I am thankful, but—that is not enough. I want them to have authentic, organic friendships with people their own age. Here are four questions to help churches be places where the neurotypical and neurodivergent can grow together.

A New Series on Sexual Abuse Prevention and Accountability

A New Series on Sexual Abuse Prevention and Accountability

Throughout this fall, we will feature a variety of blog posts and webinars addressing sexual abuse, both for parents of children with disabilities and ministry leaders. We hope you will join us and contribute to the conversations.

Lament: A Healing Path for the Whole Church

Lament: A Healing Path for the Whole Church

The day we received an official diagnosis explaining our daughter’s struggles, my husband and I cried. Actually, I literally wailed and groaned for at least half an hour. Carly’s diagnosis triggered a heart cry that special needs parents, families and individuals living with disability commonly understand, and can benefit the whole Church.