April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Along with the October Domestic Violence Awareness Month, I would love to see Christian pastors and Christian counselors be at the forefront of not only bringing awareness, but also coming up with the solutions to serve domestic violence victims and sexual assault survivors, to end abuse.
How Do We Respond to God’s Call to the Marginalized?
How God Multiplies Ministry from within the Special Needs Community
God uses the Church in important ways to come alongside people He eventually calls to leadership. God often places people in positions of receiving essential encouragement, prayer, support and equipping. In the process, He’s revealing their potential, as well as opportunities to move them into areas of ministry with other families impacted by disability.
Tips to Help with Ongoing Stress from the Pandemic
What Does A Successful Life Look Like?
Why You Should Care About Special Needs
Seven Ways to Help People with Traumatic Brain Injuries Thrive in Your Church
I have the most amazing baby sister. She is goofy, loud, opinionated, and hard-headed. She makes me laugh and she drives me completely insane. My sister has a traumatic brain injury (TBI). She needs accommodations to be successful, especially in the church. These accommodations can help almost anyone with a TBI.
Simple Gestures That Resonate Deeply With Special Needs Caregivers
Caregivers and families impacted by disability are finding themselves most profoundly moved by the simple things these days. I’ve been wondering what ministry would look and feel like if we all just took a giant step back: back to the days of pie socials, potlucks, card clubs and barn raisings. Here are some ideas that any church or ministry leader can do.
Make the Church Complete: A Special Needs Ministry Poem
Ten Steps to Set Up A House Church Model of Ministry
Last week, Jillian Palmiotto shared the first part of this 2-part series on developing a house church model of special needs ministry. Today, Jillian shares the process she used to establish house churches, in hopes that it will spark some ideas in other leaders, and help churches prepare for our uncertain future.