
An invitation to our readers to brainstorm about God's purposes in mental illness

An invitation to our readers to brainstorm about God's purposes in mental illness

What teaching or reading have you come across that's been helpful to you in better understanding God's purposes in mental illness?

Should I teach them the right way to care for patients?

Should I teach them the right way to care for patients?

Do I train them in the best way I know how to take care of the kids in their care, or do I tell them what they'll need to know to give kids the level of care their insurance company is willing to pay for and to go home at night with a clear conscience?

Why are children's hospital emergency rooms becoming flooded with suicidal kids?

Why are children's hospital emergency rooms becoming flooded with suicidal kids?

How do we explain a nearly three-fold increase in the number of children and teens brought to pediatric emergency rooms over a seven year period with suicidal thoughts or behavior?

Join Kelly Rosati, Amy Simpson, Kay Warren and myself for a Twitter chat on youth mental health

Join Kelly Rosati, Amy Simpson, Kay Warren and myself for a Twitter chat on youth mental health

I'd like to invite our readers to join with me, along with Kelly Rosati, Amy Simpson and Kay Warren on Tuesday, May 8th at 2:00 PM Eastern time for a Twitter chat designed to encourage pastors, ministry leaders and key volunteers to consider how they can be involved in addressing the epidemic of mental illness in children and teens.

Tips for Communicating with People with Disabilities and Their Caregivers

Tips for Communicating with People with Disabilities and Their Caregivers

Having had the opportunity to hear a lot of “expert” advice over the 36+ years of raising my son, here are some things I’d like to offer as my own “expert” advice to the many wonderful people who will come in contact with a person with special needs and/or their family at some time in their lives.

When the Church Abandoned My Special-Needs Family

When the Church Abandoned My Special-Needs Family

That feeling of abandonment by the people of God can lead to feelings of abandonment by God. But acceptance by a church will never equal God’s acceptance. God, through His Son, choose to be with me, to walk along with our family.