Pathways to Promise

Companionship: A Response to Social Isolation and Loneliness

Companionship: A Response to Social Isolation and Loneliness

Recently, a homeless stranger approached me for assistance to feed himself and his son. We discussed many things in our brief interaction before I said to him, “You matter, and you are a person.” His response stood out to me: “It feels good to be thought of as a person.” In that encounter, I practiced Companionship, something that can be offered to anyone we encounter.

The Illusion of Impossible Created by Mental Illness

The Illusion of Impossible Created by Mental Illness

God is the master director and storyteller. The most important story, of how He works with humanity and how He came to rescue humanity as fully God and fully human is of course the Big Story. But the Big Story is full of trillions of lesser stories. And I’m convinced the lesser stories mostly revolve around God breaking through the illusions we have in our lives.