
What Did Mary Worry About?

What Did Mary Worry About?

Gasp and sacrilege! How dare I entertain the idea of the mother of God worrying about the divine child entrusted to her care. Until I remember that, though this baby boy was fully divine and fully human, his mother was not. Instead of asking What did Mary worry about?, maybe this is what I should ask instead: What did Mary, a human mom like me and you, do with her worries?

The Slow Process of Building Houses and Hearts

The Slow Process of Building Houses and Hearts

Building a house is a slow process. But edification, building relationships, is a similar slow process. While we use lumber, nails and bricks when building a house, we build one another up word-by-word, and affirmation-by-affirmation.

Teacher, Do You Not Care? How Jesus Helps Us Fight Our Fears

Teacher, Do You Not Care? How Jesus Helps Us Fight Our Fears

Special-needs parents can be overwhelmed by fear, and like the disciples in Mark 4, believe that Jesus is missing what feels to us like a huge storm! At that time they asked, “Teacher, do you not care?” and the answer is the same now as it was then.

Searching for The Sweet Spot in the Caregiving Dance

Searching for The Sweet Spot in the Caregiving Dance

As caregivers, we’re looking for that sweet spot in the dance of life where the team and the individual are both given space and respect. It’s a place where the nuances of movement between the two and as one are honored. It’s a place where an intimate knowing and connection is made.

Choosing Acceptance of Special Needs

Choosing Acceptance of Special Needs

Acceptance is a word that has several meanings, and which can mean different things to different people. Within the context of a blog about children and young people with special needs, these meanings can be complex and very individual. But the meaning that I love the most is the meaning that Jesus brings to it, the example He gives us about how we should accept each other.