
Groundhog Day or Thanksgiving?

Groundhog Day or Thanksgiving?

Today, I want to focus on a holiday that, if taken fully as the Bible prescribes it, can often alleviate the flare-ups that cause us to periodically run to God: Thanksgiving. Not just turkey time or family time, but Thanksgiving as an act that is recommended every day.  

How I Find Refuge When I Am Not Enough

How I Find Refuge When I Am Not Enough

When I think back on the hardest days and years of our son’s journey, I recall wanting God’s help, expecting His help, waiting for His help, while all the time trying to solve all the problems and carry all the burdens on my own. I don’t remember asking for His help or moving to Him for His help and shelter until I completely exhausted myself and physically broke.

How The Sound Of Our Autistic Son's Laughter Heals Us

How The Sound Of Our Autistic Son's Laughter Heals Us

For us as parents of a child with additional/special needs, there are certainly many times to weep, times to be sad. But there is so much more to life than the tears and hard times. Let us celebrate the happier times, the times to laugh and dance.

Come to Me, and Recover Your Life

Come to Me, and Recover Your Life

My husband and I sat down for our quiet time this morning, and neither of us was in the mood to pray. Why bother summed up our mood. Then I pull out Jesus' words in Matthew 11: Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest.