
The Book that Taught Me the Most About Parenting a Child with Down Syndrome

The Book that Taught Me the Most About Parenting a Child with Down Syndrome

I started dreaming the day I found out I was having my first baby. As we made preparations for her birth, I enjoyed reading different pregnancy books. By the time we took Jaycee home from the hospital, I had armfuls of pamphlets, books, and resources on Down syndrome. I read as much as I could to find answers to many questions, and here’s where I found them.

When Pain and Joy Intersect

When Pain and Joy Intersect

My son’s birth was filled with happiness, but the previous 48 hours were complete stress. Shortly after my daughter’s stressful birth, my husband turned another year older. Here’s what we have chosen to do when pain and joy have intersected in our parenting life.

Keeping the Faith In Summer Vacation: Tricks & Tips for Summer Travel with Your Special Needs Family

Keeping the Faith In Summer Vacation: Tricks & Tips for Summer Travel with Your Special Needs Family

John Felageller share a few ideas and inspiration on how you can travel with your special needs family, and also shares some recent successes with his son at camp!

What Makes Me Cry as a Caregiver?

What Makes Me Cry as a Caregiver?

What makes me cry as a caregiver is a list that keeps getting longer. Think of it as reverse bucket list. But really, what makes me cry as a caregiver can be boiled down to two interconnected truths.

Three Strategies to Self-Pity Proof Your Caregiving

Three Strategies to Self-Pity Proof Your Caregiving

As a writer, blogger and author, I’m well acquainted with the rigors, frustrations and chronic disappointment associated with creating content, getting published, and the awkward process of marketing one’s own material. I am also mom to an adult daughter with complex health and developmental needs. Like other writers and moms of children with disabilities, I’ve fallen prey to negative messages and self-pity. Inspired by Lori Stanley Roeleveld’s strategy, allow me to paraphrase a plan for protecting our hearts, minds and lives from debilitating patterns.