
More Than Just A Parent - Part 3

More Than Just A Parent - Part 3

Like many special needs parents, John Felageller has experienced times when medical or education professionals have treated his perspective on his son with special needs as less important and valuable than theirs. In this third post in his series, John addresses what may be the most difficult experience of all for special needs families: when you have struggles working with children's or special needs ministries. John offers valuable takeaways, including recognizing when you need to give back and serve others who are most in need.

When Life Is Not As It Should Be

When Life Is Not As It Should Be

When life is not as it should be, whether the cause is a global pandemic or a child's diagnosis, we have a choice to make. As our hearts break and our faith is tested, we have to decide to respond from either a short term or long term perspective.

Replacing Special Needs Parenting Lies with God's Truth

Replacing Special Needs Parenting Lies with God's Truth

We have all had that little voice of doubt in our heads. This voice is strategically placed there by Satan to try to steal my joy. Today, I want to share some of the lies the enemy has told me about my children and how I use God’s Word to contradict those lies, so that you can do it, too.

A 2020 Prayer of a Special Needs Parent

A 2020 Prayer of a Special Needs Parent

Lisa Jamieson shares a prayer that will resonate with many families. We encourage you to pray this prayer for your family and loved ones.

The Mission Field Next Door: Meeting The Desperate Needs of Special Needs Families

The Mission Field Next Door: Meeting The Desperate Needs of Special Needs Families

I once served as a volunteer missionary for nearly 2 years and as a missionary, I was willing to do whatever was asked of me. I often sit in church and listen to the different mission programs, especially short work trips and wonder why? Why do we raise thousands of dollars to send courageous, self-sacrificing individuals to visit far off lands in the name of Jesus when there are so many we neglect in our own communities? We need the Church to be the hands and feet of that powerful calling we claim as Christianity. Outside of the church walls. It might be time to get our hands dirty.