
The Challenge of Caregiving for Those with Hidden Disabilities

The Challenge of Caregiving for Those with Hidden Disabilities

I don’t see anything wrong with that child.” Give it 10 minutes; give it an hour. Take time to be with “that child” or “that adult,” and then you will be able to discern what makes them different, where they excel, and where they need additional help.

What Being Lost in a Corn Maze Taught Me about My Relationship with God

What Being Lost in a Corn Maze Taught Me about My Relationship with God

I stood in the middle of a cornfield with my daughter, surrounded by brown cornstalks towering over our heads and the dry, dusty earth beneath us. I panicked for a moment. I was alone in a corn maze with my daughter, armed with my poor sense of direction to lead us out.

The Beauty of Disability

The Beauty of Disability

My pastor was introducing a new sermon series about beauty when four words took up residence in my mind: the beauty of disability. If we believe that all people are created in the image of God, that includes those with disabilities. Therefore, I believe in the beauty of disability.

Reflections on Graduation Day - Part 1

Reflections on Graduation Day - Part 1

This was not like any other special event during the school year; this was different, with balloons dangling on strings, hands cradling bouquets of flowers, and an air of excitement that was not like any other day. This was graduation day, for my son’s 8th-grade class.

12 Ways to Prepare Yourself for Back to School as a Caregiver

12 Ways to Prepare Yourself for Back to School as a Caregiver

We often think school is all about our kids, and a lot of it is, but a lot also rests on us as parents. As parents of a child with special needs, our attitude and how we approach teachers and situations are invaluable. Here are 12 Ways to Prepare Yourself for Back to School as a Caregiver.