
How I Find Refuge When I Am Not Enough

How I Find Refuge When I Am Not Enough

When I think back on the hardest days and years of our son’s journey, I recall wanting God’s help, expecting His help, waiting for His help, while all the time trying to solve all the problems and carry all the burdens on my own. I don’t remember asking for His help or moving to Him for His help and shelter until I completely exhausted myself and physically broke.

Diagnosis, A Defining Moment

Diagnosis, A Defining Moment

Except for posters on 9/11 saying “We Will Remember,” life has returned to normal for those who were not directly impacted. For those of us with a child impacted by disability, there is another date that is cemented in our minds. We each have our own twin towers moment, that moment when our world came crashing down.

How The Sound Of Our Autistic Son's Laughter Heals Us

How The Sound Of Our Autistic Son's Laughter Heals Us

For us as parents of a child with additional/special needs, there are certainly many times to weep, times to be sad. But there is so much more to life than the tears and hard times. Let us celebrate the happier times, the times to laugh and dance.

Enlarged in the Waiting: A New Take on Waiting for God to Answer Prayer

Enlarged in the Waiting: A New Take on Waiting for God to Answer Prayer

My husband and I have been in major waiting mode for the past three months. I am growing impatient, frustrated. Mildly depressed. Dare I say, a little hopeless. But God is using this season to enlarge me. In this waiting time, I need to allow more of God’s Spirit to grow within me.