
This Small Change in Communication Taught Me a Big Lesson About God’s Love

This Small Change in Communication Taught Me a Big Lesson About God’s Love

A few years ago, I made a change in the way I interact with my children. It’s a small practice, but it has profoundly helped our family understand and grasp the truth that God loves and delights in us. Every single day, I tell my kids, “I love being your mom.” This intentional habit has transformed not just my relationship with my children but also how I relate to God.

The Impacts of Special Needs on Siblings

The Impacts of Special Needs on Siblings

Those of us that are the parents of a child with special needs so often put so much of our time, energy and focus into helping that child or young person to thrive and develop as fully as possible. But for many of us, our child with special needs or disability is not our only child.