
Strategies for the Marathon of Special Needs Parenting

Strategies for the Marathon of Special Needs Parenting

I’ve come to realize that one of the greatest reasons He sent me out on the road was to teach me lessons through running that apply to the journey of being a special needs parent. Over and over I encounter similarities between the two. Most recently I discovered something that I truly was not expecting. I believe the Lord showed me this about running so that I would apply it to the rest of my life.

How To Stop Feeling Like the Worst Mom in the World

How To Stop Feeling Like the Worst Mom in the World

This morning, as I planned for the day, I saw that my son’s physical therapist would be coming to the house this afternoon. This morning there was a moment when I felt like a failure, but that feeling quickly passed. I remembered how several years back, that feeling often lingered with me for days at a time, but not anymore.