grand mal seizure

More Than Just A Parent - Part 2

More Than Just A Parent - Part 2

Whether at the doctor’s office, with our child’s therapy team, in the classroom for an IEP meeting, many times we are just not considered experts on our children. We are relegated to being just a bystander while the real “experts” make proclamations over our children. While they may be truthful many times, they still don’t define our children totally. It is in those moments that we must step in and be the voice in the gap between the understanding of the experts and the knowing of our hearts, and speak out the value of our kids that only we can communicate as parents.

The April Only God Could Plan

The April Only God Could Plan

I had been pondering the High Priestly Prayer since our son was diagnosed with a chiari malformation. I realized that Jesus not only surrendered His physical body so that we might be saved, but He also offered up His glory, His spiritual being for us as well. He literally poured out everything He had, physically, emotionally and spiritually for His children. I shared with my wife how I prayed a similar prayer over our son, that I would surrender everything, every grace, blessing and favor given to me by God so that my son might be healed. It hit me that this is exactly what we celebrate at Easter, a miracle of sacrifice so profound that we can only scratch the surface of how deep it goes. Sunday was coming, and this year we would quite possibly have an Easter miracle just a few days early.