A few years ago, I was teaching a workshop on stress. When preparing for this assignment I decided to look at some favorite Bible stories and see how the characters responded to stressful situations, how the Lord provided for their needs, and what lessons we could learn from these Biblical men and women.
(Enter Moses; read his story in Exodus and Numbers)
Can you imagine having the job of overseeing thousands, if not millions of people on a decades-long journey through the desert? Would you agree to take on this task? Moses was not so willing to do it at first.
Lesson #1 – God provides power despite our weakness. Exodus 3-4:17
When God called Moses at the burning bush to return to Egypt and convince Pharoah to let the nation of Israel leave, Moses had all kinds of excuses for why he couldn’t take on the job. He asked God, “Who am I to do this job?,” “ What if they don’t know who You are?,” and “ What if no one believes me?”
God gave Moses three powerful signs to answer each of his questions but still Moses hesitated and made a final excuse – but I am not eloquent enough! So God sent Moses his brother Aaron to help him. Moses was weak – but God gave him strength through signs and helpers.
Photo by Mary Underwood
Lesson #2 – God gives us His presence and provision. Exodus 13:21, 16-17
The journey was a big undertaking and God had promised Moses He would be with them, so He showed His physical presence to all the people in two distinct ways. During the day, a column of clouds went before them and at night that column of clouds became one of fire.
When the group ran low on food and complained, God sent manna each morning. When they ran low on water, God provided it through a rock. God was always present, and He provided for their basic needs in ways that showed His presence.
Lesson #3 – God provides helpers for Moses – Exodus 17:10-12
Shortly after God provided water from the rock, another nation came against the Israelites and began to fight against them. Moses sent Joshua and some of the men to fight against them, and told Joshua that he would stand on a hilltop with God’s staff in his hands (the same staff that God used to perform miracles with, in an answer to Moses’ questions about why he should lead the Israelites.)
As long as Moses raised the staff, the Israelites were winning, but if he rested his arms the Amalekites won. But, God gave Moses two helpers, Aaron and Hur. They held his arms up for him with the staff raised high, and the Israelites won the battle.
Applying these lessons to living with disability
I am sure that at some point in your journey you have probably told God that you weren’t equipped to be the parent of a child with disabilities. We all feel tired, worn out and stressed, and wonder how we can continue during challenging times. But God is faithful and shows up in many ways to remind us that He will help us to carry on.
Sometimes it is a simple as a Bible verse that “just happens to be” in our morning devotions, or a song that comes on the radio that powers our souls through the hard times. Or perhaps like me, you begin to re-read some favorite Bible Stories and you trace the patterns of God’s faithfulness to the people He loves, both in big and small ways.
I think about a tired and worn-out Elijah and how God sent ravens to bring him bread, and then directed him to a cool brook for water.
I also think of the widow of Zarephath, who used up her last bottle of oil and flour to make a loaf of bread, before she and her son would die from a famine. But when Elijah shows up at her door, and she shares her last loaf of bread, her oil never runs low again.
I think of Esther in the palace at just the right time, or Ruth in a foreign land finding a wealthy kinsman redeemer, or David, or Mary and Martha, or Paul, the Good Samaritan or the friends on the roof.
Our God shows up in so many ways in the Old and New Testaments and he shows up today in our lives. What is your testimony to his power in your weakness?
His presence is with us. We may not have a fiery cloud each night, but we have the Holy Spirit in us to comfort and counsel along with other gifts of grace that remind us of His presence.
Lastly, when we are in community, we have friends to support us. Faithful friends, who do so many things for us, are gifts from God. Do you have a friend like that? Are you a friend like that?
The next time you are worn down, tired or stressed, stop and praise God for these blessings of power, presence, provisions and people that make our disability journey a bit brighter and fuller along the way.
Isaiah 46:4 I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you. (NIV)
And that’s a promise!
Questions for thought or journaling:
How have you seen God’s power in your life with disability?
How has God showed you His presence?
What are some surprising ways that God has provided when you least expected?
Mary Underwood has been involved in the special needs community for over a decade as well as having friends and family who are walking this journey with their young adults. She is an author and blogger at What Empty Nest where her mission is to encourage, equip and empower parents of young adults with disabilities who are entering adulthood. www.whatemptynest.com